
You, of course, are welcome to your opinion, but perhaps you shouldn't speak of things you don't understand in public. Save yourself some embarrassment.

Using the volume button will be way less blurry than pressing the screen. If what you're saying was actually true, all cameras would snap pictures while pressing the viewscreen. Taking one hand off the phone to press the screen results in much blurrier pictures than using two hands, plus you are pushing on a smaller

Every review I've read so far says that you cannot use the reminders app with GPS anywhere but home and work. Like "remind me to call my wife when I leave work", etc. But those are apparently the only two places that can have the geofence at this time. Besides, at what store is the phone going to remind you to pick up

Don't worry dude. I'm a kind, nice, sensible American and I can tell you that 100 out of 100 Americans could not possibly care less about what you think of us.

Congratulations on the dumbest comment of the week.

A quick search should have revealed that the public cost of the stadium was capped at $325 million. Which was voted on by the citizens of Arlington to increase the sales tax by one-half percent. Don't forget the 2% increase in hotel taxes and the 5% increase in car rental tax. Or that the tax revenue last year was

This has less to do with interference with the instruments and more to do with interference with communications. Cell phones DO cause interference on frequencies that air traffic controllers use to talk to airplanes. I know because I hear the interference daily and it can be so loud as to totally garble the


@ando: Well, thanks for serving.

@GeneJacket: Let me say this: I really enjoyed Shaun of the Dead and I LOVED Hot Fuzz. That said, Scott Pilgrim is NOT a good movie. I appreciate what Edgar Wright tried to do, but it was poorly executed. Perhaps you should focus on that, instead of a tired shtick of blaming the "stupidity" of the American public for

@38thsignal: Not only is prison rape funny, it is acceptable in any setting. Now if the OP had only been funny at all, things would be right with the world.

@bitslammer: I love my Kindle, but I would never in a million years use it as a textbook. Flipping back and forth would be such a chore.

@Duin: Well, you whiffed on three jokes in the same thread. To be enlightened, please watch Paul Mooney's At the Movies sketch from Chappelle's Show.

@Mike Jahn: As long as it's not the one who married Lamar Odom. She's hideous.

@morgan.starr: I would also like a time machine that takes me 30 minutes into the past. Where did you get yours?

@kemperboyd: Underwood is wailing like a cat too. Why can't they hire an actual singer to do this?