
A Song of Ice and Fire

It's only foreboding to you because you know what's coming. Roose definitely doesn't. Walder Frey is the mastermind behind the RW and he isn't even approached until after Robb breaks his vow. After enlisting Frey, then Tywin would recruit Roose to his cause. There wouldn't be another situation where the events of the

Read my post again. I'm talking about Renly.

Well, I'm absolutely certain that you're mistaken. Renly participated in the Tournament of the Hand and advanced until he was defeated by Sandor Clegane. He's not the warrior that his brother is, but he's capable. Renly is written as Robert Baratheon "lite" except that he's into dudes. And he was an interesting

The first time I read the books, I didn't pick up on the Renly/Loras relationship until very late. Probably because that Renly is described in the books as much like his brother, except not as extreme. He's a good fighter, likes to drink (but not a drunkard), is witty and very charismatic. However, he is much more

Do you even read what you are typing? There are many things you can rightfully complain about in the books, having no plot is not a valid complaint. I'm sure there are some Dora the Explorer coloring books that you could enjoy.

NYC to LA is 2776 driving miles, so it's around 4450 kilometers. Your 1000 kph train will take considerably longer than an hour to get there.

Tell you what, YOU take a sniper bullet through your nutsack and THEN say that's not a vital organ! :-)

I think it's been well established that De Niro and Pacino are both pale shadows of their past selves. That said, the misspellings in your post were very jarring.

No, I'm air traffic control. These planes fly around and fly different instrument approaches to airports as a part of their training. When the weather is bad, you have to fly these mapped approaches to get under the clouds and land safely. So they come out on nice days to get some practice in. Some of the fun of my

As the other posters have said, that particular jet is a NASA trainer. They aren't armed, but they can scoot around the sky pretty fast. I worked a flight of 2 in my airspace this morning and another flight of 2 yesterday. If the trainees do well enough in that little guy, they move on to the ones that can carry

That's a T-38. It's an Air Force training jet.

Except these have no mercury and are not toxic, and don't look like crap.

Exercise machines (treadmills, elliptical, stationary bike) are notorious for overestimating calories burned. I do an hour a day on my stationary bike, and would estimate that I burn between 950-1000 calories. But the bike says I burn 1600-1700. Don't I wish!

I'm surprised too, because the yellow tint of the wife's reality and the blue of the son's are much more apparent than looking for a rubber band on his wrist that isn't in most of the shots.

9) Thanks for pointing out that they don't taste alike. Gin was originally used as medicine.

Gin? Please. If you like drinking medicine so much, just buy a bottle of NyQuil. Cheaper and tastes better than that swill.

You're right, I thought I clicked the reply by his post.

The theater doesn't have the right to run a jammer, as they're illegal. In addition, the theater doesn't have the "right to regulate the customer's experience" based on something that could possibly happen. The kid next to you may spend his time yelling at the screen. Doesn't mean they can toss him out unless he

Good points for sure.