The delegate count was skewed in favor of Hillary by virtue of getting a lot more primary votes. But, uh, giving DWS an unpaid position with no power in order to make it easier to get her out of the DNC proves Hillary something something.
The delegate count was skewed in favor of Hillary by virtue of getting a lot more primary votes. But, uh, giving DWS an unpaid position with no power in order to make it easier to get her out of the DNC proves Hillary something something.
So go back to watching prime time cable.
There were more white people in that trailer than there are black people in this picture.
Yes, Harold. This is literally facism.*
Adults who didn’t binge drink never understood the point.
God, not this again.
But there are actual kids today who are still kids and for them this is great. My two youngest boys have been Ghostbuster obsessed since they were 2 and 3 years old. There was no reboot. No Ghostbuster toys to be found and all they wanted was Ghostbuster everything. Try being the mom to the kids who want toys from the…
So like the Transformers movies?
It’s still an incredibly silly thing to say. If someone makes a new version of something you loved, and it doesn’t hold up for you, and THAT taints your memory of the old thing? Your love of the old thing was pretty shallow in the first place.
Luckily,we have preserved the first Ghostbusters movie after all this time, so if your childhood memories seem tainted, you may re-watch the original.
That’s still a really, really dumb thing to think, though. If your memories of enjoying the original Ghostbusters movie are altered by a sequel made thirty years later, you are a dumb person and deserve to be made fun of by people you don’t know on the Internet.
Thank goodness you explained it as I’m sure he wasn’t aware of how metaphors work.
To quote the immortal words of Plinkett: “The Star Wars prequels didn’t ruin my childhood. Fucking polio did!”
Oh, trust me, I don’t want Newt to be allowed to fly over DC, let alone be given a position of any kind of power or influence. However, if he just remains an old dude who seems capable of taking in information and changing his opinions, whatever, he’s better than most of them.
You being on sabbatical was like Teresa being in prison away from her kids.
Super gross. Mind if I engage in some armchair psychology?
Came here to post a pic of me covered in a Celine throw blanket my friend owns. Her father has taken her to Vegas 7 times to see her. I LOVE this blanket and wish someone sold a Morrissey version just like this.
This is a diamond encrusted filet mignon of writing.
Loved every line.
God, this song is still one of the most incredible. And that video. I’m clutching my pearls right now, btw.