
No no no no no no and no. The 80s were the worst years in fashion, I know I survived it. Can I add what is it about Barb from the show, seriously the character had one episode worthy of recognition. Let it go already FFS.

She remembers at age 21 going to a producer about a stalker on set, and the response was that “there are two sides to every story.”

The real tragedy here is the lack of a statement necklace.

Does the NRA advocate that women carry guns to defend themselves from sexual predators whom they endorse for President?

Idea: Close your FB account if other people’s posts annoy you. Then you don’t ever have to police anyone! Problem solved.

Nooooooooo. No no no. Why the fuck do people do things like that?!? So disturbing.

As a practicing attorney, normally agree, but in this instance, go get ‘em. Full disclosure: I refuse to let my friends or family put me on facebook as a general matter and have gotten into it w/ my SIL over the issue. She overshares like a motherfucker. Also, a fair number of her posts are racist GOP garbage.

It sounds like she tried to resolve it outside of court and her parents refused.

I have no problem with this.

I’d like to ban monkey drivers who won’t let you merge AND mergers who drive all the way to the end of the merge lane and shove their way into nearly-stopped traffic because no one understands physics.

Exactly what I thought. Her entire marriage has been one long escort service call.

She’s so freaking amazing. I just love her and I think she’s got such great things ahead of her. I’m so happy they honored her with carrying the flag. She looks so happy.

Sonja is like a character out of a Tennesee Williams play. There is something very fragile about her.

I may or may not have squeed — aloud — in the theater when she popped up in The King’s Speech with Colin Firth.

This is incredibly disappointing. It had a rocky start, but his show was really finding its groove and doing important (and funny!) stuff. I hope Larry gets the chance to take his voice and talents elsewhere, a la Sam Bee and John Oliver. Thanks for keeping it 100, Larry.

Maybe don’t read a post about the season finale if you don’t want spoilers?

This type of compassion and decency doesn’t even come at the expense of the letter of the law; it elevates the law.

This election is absolutely bonkers. This plus the statement put out by the 50...the list keeps growing. I just hope the Republicans I know don’t decide to hold their nose and vote for him even though they don’t want to. I'm in Florida so I'm thoroughly freaked.

They don’t shoot centaurs, do they?

A lot of the problem came when they switched to Lifetime and one day challenges became the standard.