Dear James Danziger, NO, NO, FUCK NO!
Dear James Danziger, NO, NO, FUCK NO!
I have always disliked designer stuff that have labels because I am not a billboard.
What a career! IMDB lists his acting credits at 282 - a ton of projects passed the teenybopper age of 80! I want to age like that so RIP Christopher Lee!
1. The CGI would have been passable (still far from great) if they didn’t have that closeup shot of Dany riding upwards out of the stadium.
I totally agree! This is my favorite season thus far.
Did anyone catch the Halloween cat decorations on the “Octopus” painting? A little pussy on pussy action.
Now you gotta tell why!
What an asshole! I guess you can take comfort that until your story I had no idea who this fucker was!
I am curious if some form of this problem is nationwide. The two salons I have gone to in Kansas City are first generation Korean owned and both have men at the center of the activity as owner/bosses. Both men are married to wives that seem to work FOR them (compared to WITH them) along with employing other women who…
It is possible to support the transgendered community and feel that at Jenner’s core is a selfish tool. Being transgendered doesn’t give one carte blanche to fat shame or to gloss over certain aspects of life including being a neglectful parent and a husband who left a first wife, who was pregnant at the time with…
I miss Santino! He had some great lines! The judges aren’t that funny.
May I suggest she end it all pronto by jumping into the nearest volcano because that is the only way to convince me she is serious about her beliefs.
I know that my lady bits dried and shriveled upon seeing his mug (think the Wicked Witch of the West post house).
Since I am not a New York girl I just want to double check; are you sure he isn’t advertising the benefits of heterosexual female celibacy?
Great observations. Will you be my therapist?
Seriously, screw them! For all of their Christian chatter they were open on Easter whereas Target was not. They have a fear of woman power not violence!
Chris Wallace is a tragic figure. He will always live in his father’s shadow...and he will always have Fox News on his resume.
The website you sent me is really cool.🐧