It's Dynasty, it's King Lear, it's ALL THE DRAMA.
It's Dynasty, it's King Lear, it's ALL THE DRAMA.
You missed A LOT.
Man when Lucious gave Cookie that little pillow we about died! Also Boo Boo Kitty got the ass whooping she deserved!
I watched this show tonight on dorm duty with two students and was shocked at how fucking awesome it was. This makes Melrose Place look like a Daniel Day Lewis project. I wanted to hate it and couldn't do it. God help me.
I knew it!!!!! I knew he was going to be the one to get killed.
right?! She sure did get in there & brought all the scrappy she had!
Who knew boo boo kitty could fight?!
where my Boo Boo Kitty/Cookie fan-fiction?! THAT BRAWL WAS ALL THE THINGS!
Lucious stay singing in the whisper register. Whispy voiced mofo.
oh hi I'm luscious Lyon and I like to ask weird favors of everyone around me especially anything that may kill maim or destroy my family ! TTYL!!
Web MD diagnoses are the best. Go for the allergies and leave with imminent blindness.
well fuck. The bastard is gonna live now. Where's Yoga MD to break it down for us?!
You do not fire Cookie!
I have to wait for one hour to pass because I am too good for commercials but I have my wine ready and my friend who's been with me every Wednesday since the premier episode is here. So ready!
This assistant role, "Becky," is such a waste of Gabby Sidibe's acting talent.
The greatest and saddest moment in the history of (2015) television is about to happen: the two-hour season finale…