
YES, YES, YES! Put this dumb dumb on the view.... She'll make Elizabeth Hassleback look like a Rhodes Scholar. She'll do more damage to the Republicans in 1 hour than they could do to themselves in 10 years.

I'm really torn between really, really, REALLY wanting her to go the fuck away forever and ever and enjoying watching the right-wingers idolize such a fucking idiot.

Come on. I know you have to get the clicks (and I know I'm part of the problem for clicking and for commenting) but her entire shtick is waving her arms around and then saying something "controversial" to get attention. It is her hobby and vocation. She is obnoxious and just plain bad for America, and the only way we

is this a real ad?????????????????!!!!!!!!

I bet their sex life is just Zac yelling "okay now you do me"

shocker, kanye is a dumb fucking retard

I'd be upset if I went to a Kanye West show and he DIDN'T go on an offensive rant while wearing a bejeweled mask. I think this is more or less what we've all come to expect.

Someone come here and defend Kanye's rant as genius and try to convince us that he's not at all an insecure entitled asshole who is mad that he isn't being worshipped as the fashion icon of his time, and mad that everyone still sees his vapid, tacky, fameho wife as a vapid, tacky, fameho despite his insistence that

look at that white one oppressing the others.....

Now playing

Have we confirmed that these two are not related to the rhubarb stealing lady?

Heh. Thanks. Most of our discipline is a chore-directed approach. Gross chore approach. When Echo Jr. lied about not getting his interim report card and it turned out it was because he was failing a course because he was also lying to us about getting his assignments in, I didn't have to scrub toilets for a month


I'm going to submit "thickebag" to Oxford Dictionaries. It's just too good.

Everybody misses the real question: why is the government involved in the marriage of anybody in the first place?

What a thickebag.

Well to be fair, most of us are to the left...to the left.

Jezebel Basic

Unless they were meatballs, my dog could not care less.

No bullshit I've had this magnificent safety instruction on a prior flight. Love people who can enjoy their gigs.