
So they were sent walking in Memphis by the officials, but do they really feel the way they feel?

I don’t watch studio shows. I don’t watch talking head sports shows. But there is one show that I would watch the fuck out of if they ever made it once the two NBA players on it are retired, and somebody needs to.

Courtney Love will forever be my touchstone for American cultural misogyny. Yes, she’s erratic, abrasive, narcissistic and – at times – unhinged. But she is also MASSIVELY talented. And when talented men in music or entertainment are erratic, abrasive, narcissistic and unhinged they are forgiven without a second

Brigham da noise, Brigham da funk!

Found myself watching this more than the Indians at the bar tonight. Pretty exciting. Couldn’t see who it was but someone made a deeeeeep three at the end of the shot clock in the first half. Exciting series so far.

My life’s purpose is bigger than football.

The willfully ignorant workers that consistently vote against their own interests will be increasingly marginalized as they are dragged in to the 21st Century.

It is an indisputable scientific fact that people who like mayo are stupid garbage monsters with defective palates.

In regards to playing professional football again, the Raven quoted

And let’s face it: This is a voter base that sees anyone that’s not a white, straight, Christian man as playing “identity politics”. That’s not going to fix itself easily, especially as those people congregate in certain areas and vote en masse.

Chicagoans looking at this list are thinking, “Pfft, yeah, whatever.”

The Vajazzles are the most poorly named cheer squad in the NBA. Fix this Utah!

Look at the Gibson/McDermott trade to OKC, the Snell trade to Milwaukee, the Rose trade to NYK. Not only did they lose every single one of those trades, they lost them in embarrassing fashion. Every team in the league knows how little leverage the Bulls GMs have in negotiations and how weak the front office is. And

I went to that elimination game at the UC.

Fun fact about that song that no one but me finds interesting: it’s a rare usage of 7/4 time. 

We found love in a ropeless place.

There’s no institution, no matter how worthy, that involves an older person with authority over young people that is immune from sexual abuse.

The guy who expects a thank you for landscaping is a real asshole. Shut the fuck up, man. If you want a thank you, maybe do something helpful baby-wise, like adopt the kid and allow the parents to live normal lives.

To paraphrase Jefferson, “If your boss is a dumbass, a man is not only right to disobey them, he is obligated to do so.”