We’ve all heard versions of “Blacks play athletic/undisciplined, whites play slow/smart” for years.
A contact high, even a psychedelic one, would be the last thing I’d worry about “catching” from touching people at a Dead show.
I’m looking forward to their forthcoming Baseball Tonight spin-off, “Quien Es Mas Scrappy?”
I can’t imagine Olbermann is even remotely enjoyable to deal with BUT this whole thing reminds me why I stopped watching ESPN forever ago. I feel like the slightest critique of anything of substance is completely off the table. If you question the sports institution you’re in the corsshairs.
The closest they get to any…
Safety tips? Terrible. You can’t blow shit up with safety.
These all say “residence” and the address is for the Wegman’s by the official New Jersey Governor’s Mansion outside of Princeton (which is relatively close to the capital in Trenton). As is typical for New Jersey governors Christie does not live at Drumthwacket (the name of the mansion). He actually lives in…
Ooooooh.... Do you one better. DC flight back to the West Coast and the guy next to me was a plastic surgeon, I think at Johns Hopkins. Anyway, he reviewed all of his patient files, including topless pre-and-post breast augmentation photos, and patents’ faces appeared in the photos. Then he worked on his taxes.
I haven’t seen an organization distance themselves this much from a Mike Richards since the Laugh Factory.
One of my many theoretical job candidate tests for when I someday find myself the runner of a big company that “makes the world a better place” probably: Fly person out to interview, but send someone on their flight to observe. If person reclines their seat, have the mole deliver them a “Thanks, but no” letter right…
No, not every airline in the US has an “economy plus/comfort”. US Airways has preferred with no extra leg room. Just an extra charge to be closer to the front. Alaska doesn’t have anything like this. South West doesn’t. Many (most?) regional jets don’t have anything like this. So on those planes you’ve just got exit…
“Don’t be an asshole and recline on a tall person” is also an option.
Once when my whole department was flying to Orlando, I had a very dumb co-worker lady say “people with kids should drug their kids before every flight. It’s just common courtesy.”
How do you not mention “Keep your fucking shoes on!!”. No one wants to see or smell your bare feet on a flight, nor do they wanna put their arm on an armrest that’s had your moist dogs on them previously.
Don’t automatically be a dick to any parent traveling with kids.
Simplest rule for reclining.
Things are getting bleak in the skies. See this article in the New York Times about swapping seats on a flight: