Sasha from Shreveport

Oh yes. This is the real shit, and people don’t like it when the velvet glove comes off and the iron fist is revealed.

Yes, but that seems to be a significant part of the whole deal. Being “special” and/or “chosen”.

double post.

What’s the first things cults do? Isolate you and control information

I have a sense that under President Hillary Clinton we would already be knee deep in another endless war. Another quagmire.

Kindly explain where you think the points disappear and the ideology begins.

Seems like we were a bridge generation.

Skepticism is a plus.

Max. Thank you for your thoughts. I agree with a few, generally, but largely disagree with how you frame them into a narrative on several levels.

Anytime you are getting bipartisan approval every single year to unload that type of taxpayer cash, rest assured that a lot of folks along the way are taking their cut.

That is an LA Times link, and I should have left the link address so my bad on that.

If I felt like the American leadership was honorable and trustworty, then yes, absolutely.

Here is my audition tape.

Do the Splinter writers get paid by the post?

The next American military cause. Alluded to in the next sentence:

Thoughtful dialogue is a casualty of polarization and the internet.

Shouldn’t there be some rule about ending the two wars you’re already fighting before starting a new one?

So interesting discussion about relative statistics about anonymous dead people.

War in Iraq: