Sasha from Shreveport

For sure. And by the same token, there are millennials who give less than half a fuck.

This comment made me think of someone.

Anybody have any thoughts as to what President Hillary Clinton might have done given the same set of circumstances?

WHAT?!! (mmurrrica gonna muurrrrica)

What you are alluding to is unelected officials who bend elected officials to their will.

I remember clearly the more rural sorority chicks from my rah rah football school angrily questioning this new knowledge in my courses.

Eventually, reality must intrude, yes?

If only we had some precedent for this scenario. If only history could provide us with some clues, ANYTHING, A HINT, EVEN, as to what might happen.

You’re really going out of your way to ignore just what it is that Biden did or how it helped create the conditions that bred Trump. 

How do you think this pitch meeting is going to go:

Anybody that was thinking that Spicy or SHS or other Trump characters would be perma-scarred by association is perhaps being idealistic.

Man, this is a good discussion. Thank you.

All of this is extremely resonant.

Two questions:

Yeah, but back in my day (I’m 29), we were taught that they were “internment” camps. So many people probably don’t associate the term with the US (who would have thought that Americans would want to ignore and hide our own failings?)

The bizarre Universe where thoughtful people discuss The View.

But, but...I learned that Russia was the one influencing our country. That whole collusion Putin Puppet thing. Right?

psstt...You just listed the logical policy stuff.

Something tells me that you will find no traction here with unpleasant Daddy Obama facts.

We are like battered wives telling the kids that Daddy just had a bad day.