Sasha from Shreveport

Mission accomplished State Corporate Media.

So, can I assume that you are extremely online to know all of these candidates and their individual predilections?

Classic Jean bullshit right here.

Such an asshole.

Jean from Accounting IS a fucking asshole and owes me reimbursement for my TPS reports that I filed while on vacation.

Hilarious comment-handle synergy here.

It’s another version of, “Blood from her whatever”.

You will not find a true lefty on mainstream TV. Their ideas are simply too threatening to the corporations who run this country.

Sounds like nothing can substantially change until we stop the corporate funding of our elected government.

Welp. Probably.

Who, Gearoid Guy?

But maybe you have some other ideas?

Sure we are going to have an independent truth telling press in several years?

They are owned, paid ultimately, by the same people who buy the candidates.

They are either cowards, or they are deeply invested in maintaining a status quo and avoiding tumult that might upset their corporate donors.

Nailed it. And political calculation and defeatist indifference is a terrible social message.

This is where we are now.

Corporations are not ethical. They are amoral, if not outright, immoral.

Please let this guy become another tragic victim of senseless gun violence.