
Also please don’t assume you are a sex god because you do oral. I know what will get me off and guys be like oh you just wait until I get there and I’m like hahaha stop you’ll probably do it wrong. And they do it all wrong and I don’t come and they just can’t accept that their technique needs adjustment.

I have it on good authority that if you touch a woman three times on her elbow, poke her left thigh once, then lick her right earlobe, she squirts.

Are those tweets real people or professional trolls. I think they’re real and what happens when you suspend reality to feel safe.

Even editorially conservative journalists should be willing to agree that Trump is clearly trying to deflect criticism with lots of noise and heat.

You could at least have linked to the un-photoshopped picture.

thanks for this article. I love the new liquid lipstick although drying, when I wear it, I am less likely to lick my lips.

Well they wouldn’t let him pick his on team, and he got a chance to see what a shit show this admin is, or “shit sandwich “ as he said. I worked with retired special operators who only had good things to say about him and I’m not surprised in the end he turned it down based off of what I’ve heard about him.

I like this logic. It’s so pleasingly circular.

Yep, my 16 year old sister confirmed that this is because they are hyper aware of their online presence and want to be in control of it. It’s also a signal to your friends not to tag you either, which I get but...why are you posing for a picture in the first place? Why not just decline the photographer or turn your


I love Bedazzled. I don’t even know if people know it but it’s really funny.

It’s just going to be CSPAN clips for an entire season.

A lot of this reminds me of highschool in the mid - late 90s, in the fall/winter in Canada when i wore everything 3 sizes too big because i was irrationally ashamed of my body and it was constantly -25C outside and would have to wear double layers to keep warm.

In the First Amendment the Founding Fathers gave the free press the protection it must have to fulfill its essential role in our democracy. The press was to serve the governed, not the governors. The Government’s power to censor the press was abolished so that the press would remain forever free to censure the

Were you on the moon the last eight years? People were burning literal effigies of President Obama after he was elected. The tea party freaking stacked Congress in 2010 because the right was so pissed off. The Republicans dogged him on everything they could, but they couldn’t make anything stick. He ran far too tight

Journalism is one of the many checks and balances in our system. Saying true things about what the government is doing is not sabotage, and if it tears an administration apart from the inside out, that’s a signal there is something very wrong with it. People constantly published true (and lots of false) things about

Normally I’d agree with you, but this isn’t just sour grapes by the losing side. The Trump Administration is straight-up dangerous, and this is coming from someone who voted for George W. Bush twice. The Administration has put people with literally no knowledge in the area at the head of numerous agencies. It’s

I love how all the Trump supporters in the comments who are ‘appalled’ at Gizmodo expressing something vaguely akin to a political bias (gasp!) can’t recognize that Donald Trump is, at this point, far beyond the traditional left / right divide in Washington discourse.