Hard pass. I don’t have a good family dynamic (to put it mildly) and my mother would instantly ask for me to support her with any spare dime I had.
I’m most proud of my ability to pay off my mortgage early and aggressively.
It’s like society wants you to have children and then it punishes you for having children and at the same time hates you if you don’t want to have children.
Zero debt by age 35, while running a household of two adults, three kids on a single income. Four bedroom house is paid off, two cars paid off, and money left over for 15% 401K contributions plus maximum Roth contributions, annual beach vacation, six month emergency fund, random clothing or grocery splurges - all…
I lived at home for almost three years after I finished college, and saved up enough to put a small down payment on a house that was in an upscale neighborhood, but was a foreclosure and had been vacant for a few years and needed a little bit of work. I lived there for almost five years and put around $15,000 into the…
That I listened to Mr Safety, and we’ve been debt free for five years now. House and cars are paid for, money in the bank and CDs and 401k, and we pay off the credit cards every month. Hard? At first, yes! But with diligence, it got easier. Plus the peace of mind is great!
My FICO score over 800... (was in the 500's 15 years ago).
Running this through my Trump Brand Empty-Words-To-Bullshit-Translate-O-Matic:
Wow dude seriously get some fucking help you sound like a serial killer
I would actually argue that the more unnecessary bloat in Inquisition comes from the needless “open-world” portions of the game. There are so few reasons for the individual regions of the map to be as big as they are besides just adding “more” to the game (which was presented as a positive feature because “more =…
Preface: I am fully aware that a great many people love DA: I, and that’s absolutely wonderful! The game did a great many things right, and even some of its gaffes wound up adding to its charm—but the War Table was not one of those things for me; below, I’ll be detailing why (and will defend my position with a bit of…
The women. So strong, so powerful, so smart, so beautiful. The General was 1000% more fierce than Wonder Woman. Loved it ❤️❤️❤️
My boys, baby and I skipped school today and saw the first showing at 10am. Theater was packed. My heart soared several times because, finally, I was watching a movie, not about pimps, hoes, slavery or drugs, but one were my 5 year olds cheered for heroes and booed villians that looked just like them. They saw a woman…
Angela Bassett should have been Storm, all others are pretenders.
I saw this yesterday in a theater full of black MBA’s who bought out the theater for the occasion and was overcome. Since I was a child I’ve wanted this movie to be made. I’ve followed Black Panther as a character since I discovered him in grade school and have identified and loved every piece of associated work.
Black Panther, as an idea, has persisted in our imaginations for well over a year. More than just dominating…
I understand exactly why they limit choices (avoiding super generic dialogue/recording a million more lines of dialogue) but I liked that in Skyrim I could marry damn near anybody. Playing a straight female character I couldn’t find a single character that I wanted to romance aside from Blackwall, which I screwed up.…
This game needs better straight woman options. Seriously, Dorian is the best but he is gay.