Yesterday I made the hardest choice in Dragon Age: Inquisition. I decided not to romance Iron Bull.
Yesterday I made the hardest choice in Dragon Age: Inquisition. I decided not to romance Iron Bull.
That made me hate him more. i spent 200 in game hours meticulously crafting a multinational, multi ethnic, multiracial coalition dedicated to protecting thedas even from itself, and which has in the course of 2 years prevented 2 doomsday cults form unleashing an ancient god, prevented whatever the fuck was going on in…
...and now I want to play inquisition again. Come on, bioware, finish anthem so EA will let you talk about dragon age again.
Stuff like this is why Dragon age is my favourite contemporary game series. Dozens of characters all with a dozen different interpretations because bioware makes damn sure that even the…
I love Vivienne. People hate her because she has a strong opinion and tends to go against really popular player choices - like being nice. Or essentially just doing what you want. But in game she’s an asset and and incredible ally. I wish there were more characters like her. She was so good.
This is exactly how I felt about Anders in DA2 (and I LIKED Anders in Awakening), and, like you, I use it to talk about how well that game was written. It’s such a great character evolution as he walks, step by step, from rebellion to extremism to mass murderer, and I have never hated anyone in a game as much as I did…
1: Great article! Solas and Vivienne are two characters that show how good Bioware’s writing can be. It’s easy to make a villainous character the audience hates, and it’s easy to make a friendly character the audience loves. But it takes real talent to create a friendly character the audience is supposed to kinda…
Twenty lucky students in Chicago were treated to British and American (well, at least for us) royalty as Prince…
Leaving by level four or five is about the sweet spot I think, but there are some higher level areas in the Hinterlands that are worth circling back to.
I’ve changed the voice for Siri so it is an Australian man, and it brings me such joy.
I keep pointing out, and this is something that The President should know (Obama, and even Shrub, did) that in NK the leader’s position depends on him appearing tough and getting the last word in on an argument. If he doesn’t manage either of those, then he’s dead in a ditch somewhere at the hands of his political…
They really do romanticize the Hell out of “..rockets red glare, the bombs bursting through air...”
It’s staggering to me, really, how, after decades of realizing how the effects of a nuclear exchange are considered so terrifying, it was almost inconceivable to think it would actually happen, we’ve gotten to the point where many of our fellow citizens are actually okay with the prospect, so long as we win, of…
You can’t fuck with Cardi if you wanted to.
I hated my body even when I was 18 and stick thin. We are trained to hate our current bodies no matter what state we’re in, and I always look back at old pictures and wonder why because I looked fine if not great. So I try to remember that one day in the future I’ll appreciate my body, so why not appreciate it now?…
I spent a ridiculous sum of money on Fenty Beauty stuff at Sephora recently and I will never look as glorious as Rihanna, but I look damn good.
So Landon basically wants to And I Am Telling You his way back into Rainbow Fish’s heart, meanwhile she took out a whole restraining order. You know how tedious that is? She meant business.