
I’m a gay man and I lost my fiancee to a brutal car accident just days ago. I’m still in shock and my grieving process is going through all sorts of motions. Sudden death is the worst heartbreak. I feel for the victims and their families and friends.

yep yep yep. that is THE fucking key. i’ve said it time and time again on this site. black people love giving white people props even if they’re just good, and not great, at whatever black cultural expression they’re doing. go to an hbcu and see a white girl with some rhythm. Black people will gas her THEE fuck up. Go

White Brits (who in migration become Americans, Canadians, Aussies and New Zealanders) have had a long tradition of pillaging the Africanized cultural treasure chest. Things like punk, often described as a white working class genre, have a foundation in the yardie culture of Jamaicans and the accompanying sound of

Everything, literally EVERYTHING about Meghan Trainor said “one-hit wonder” and yet she is still here, annoying us...forever.

The problem isn’t the enjoyment or even use of ideas outside of your natural milieu; the fact that people learn and grow from one another and enjoy each other’s cultures is, to state it plainly, beautiful. But black people have reason to fear that this will turn out to be an uneven trade. Some people will benefit from

There once was a girl from Nantucket
with talent as deep as a bucket.
She tried to “sound black”
and wrote songs like a hack
so they gave her a Grammy when they should have said “Fuck it.”

I am of the belief that it’s not so much that black audiences don’t want white artists exploring a black sound: the issue is that white artists can be bad while employing black style and still be successful.

“...we wanted our kid to see all kinds of people, not just privileged white kids.”

Or we could divorce the funding of schools from the property values of where they are located. It makes no sense that School A, enrollment 100 students, receives more money than School B, enrollment 100, just because they happen to be 15 miles (or less) away from each other. Ashleigh and Carolyyn and Aiden aren’t more

We don’t have kids yet but this is something that has crossed my mind. I went to Catholic school, husband went to public school (both are publicly funded in Ontario). I loved my on-the-small-side (less than 700) high school and was fine with my uniform (pants and golf shirts. Very exciting). But public schools are

Right, you’re only allowed to bring it up politely so as not to offend those who unknowingly benefit from privilege, and even then, the mere broaching of the subject is considered gauche.

I can’t get over his Dad’s “20 minutes” quote. Mostly because 20 minutes is a real long time to fuck a motionless body. Maybe he meant 20 seconds? Even if you are drunk, at some point you have to feel a little creeped out by your actions, right?

Action item:

I’ve been shattered by the party culture and risk taking behavior that I briefly experienced in my four months at school.

I'm terrible at identifying people in blinds so I mostly don't even look at them. The only one I have ever felt confident I knew who it was talking about was the recent one about "someone on a public redemption tour" acting like a giant entitled man-baby and I know in my heart of hearts it was about Bieber.

Now playing

Track: A Boy Named Sue (Live) | Artist: Johnny Cash | Album: At San Quentin

He said something about her having an entourage, which everyone else who’s worked with her says she doesn’t.

ALL of these questions have gone through my head. There is nothing in my mind that doesn’t deny the very likely and plausible reality that Johnny Depp loves a toxic relationship. But all of this feels so — hurried? I suppose that’s the right word. And who’s to say that she didn’t push him a little farther than usual