All of this. Also because when I wear them in the office, it makes me as tall if not taller than most of them men around here and it makes them slightly uncomfortable :)
All of this. Also because when I wear them in the office, it makes me as tall if not taller than most of them men around here and it makes them slightly uncomfortable :)
because they look good. because they make you a bit taller. because they’re sexy. because they compliment a particular outfit. because we want to.
The workers of Babeland, a sex toy shop with three locations in New York, have voted to unionize with the Retail,…
Pyscho-Pass is a popularly and critically acclaimed cyberpunk anime with two seasons and a film under its belt. The…
i have a big head and face and I approve this message.
Big round (or square) faces mostly. I learned the hard way that any frame size smaller than 140mm makes me feel like my temples are about to explode.
Some personal news to share: Marvel’s Black Panther has added another major star to its cast—a star who is also…
Life’s a lot better (in my humble opinion, ymmv) when you make your life outside of your work what you love and find a job that funds that and allows you to enjoy and embrace it (read: work/life balance and flexibility). The pool for decent paying tolerable jobs is much larger than those that you love and can support…
- Women considering abortions are required to personally execute a puppy with their bare hands, so that they can truly internalize the devastation to life that they are causing.
Next will be a 9-month required waiting period.
*raises hand*
I was very very into Jenny and Chris until it started to look like she left her husband for him and now I don’t feel so good about it. It just doesn’t feel fair. You already have a husband. You don’t get to upgrade mid-marriage to Captain America.
Are you serious?!!!! I don’t even believe this! I never understand anything and I got she was spelling out JA Rule’s name. I cannot right now. I cannot with this.
I was listening to a piece about this on the radio earlier and it does sound pretty amazing. As you point out, it is a huge breakthrough for burn victims and other patients with excessive scarring. I guess there will be some market for it as far as beauty/ looking younger/ etc. - but from what I heard, it was…
I don’t wanna be.... “that girl”... BUT OBVIOUSLY SHE’S SAYING R-U-L-E?!?!??! He very aggressively asks “WHATS MA MOTHAFUCKIN NAME”...... you guys... come on. you guys.
Reads post in disbelief: Is this serious? Did people not...hear this?
I am really really proud of myself for knowing she was spelling his name when this song came out. I may not have had a 4.0 in school, or an IQ above 3, or known that geese is the plural of goose, I may struggle identifying many animals actually, but this I figured out.
I adore this. This is what my S.O. and close family members have done. I told them all years ago that I don’t believe in “Hallmark Holidays”. I find that gifts and gestures mean so much more if they are given for the sheer joy of giving and not because it is a particular day on the calendar. Let's start a revolution!