
my thing is, why we are too close?? Why are you calling me 3-5 times a day asking same shitty questions, if I found someone and response: I will let you know doesn’t cut it, because she wants to know everything. When I tell her i can’t talk about it anymore, she goes: thats not her problem and tells me I have no

My fave is when people compare harsher gun control to the events that lead to the Holocaust, I’ve seen that on my Facebook feed a couple of times D:

“Seriously, what do you think the those two Bs were saying to each other?”

Yes, a lawsuit seems like a reasonable reaction instead of, you know, asking the barista to go light on the ice.

She is playing Amanda Waller and SHE IS FANTASTIC CASTING! This is up there with Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool casting.

I’m with you on this one. It isn’t so much the fact that they are given these roles that are motion capture or that require a lot of makeup, it is that they aren’t given as many roles that just allow them to be black. In contrast to the white actors who seem to get a decent balance between those two types of roles.

I think the larger issues that make “recoloring” black actors more problematic is that there are relatively none or few in these films to whom such does not happen, while there are plenty of white actors who aren’t “recolored” in the same films. There’s Quill and many other white characters in Guardians; there are

I learned today that a traditionally white character in Dr. Strange was cast as Chiwetel Ejiofor. I am really glad they didn’t do Tilda Swinton in yellow face-that character was such a racist trope anyways and perpetuates so much bullshit as it is.

Maybe because he didn’t make smug little “subtle” references to it on social media? Not saying he should get off unscathed, but I get a feeling (if she really is ms. goodhair) she thinks she’s slick and/or cute.

If a man would cheat on Beyonce, then it should prove to women everywhere who are living with no good cheating dogs that it has nothing to do with them. It’s the guy’s problem. The “other woman” surely plays a part and I’m sure I’d have some bitterness too, but as for me I’d deal with the man who took a vow to me

True, Jay-Z deserves all of the blame for this. However, Beyoncé is allowed to have feelings about it and express said feelings.

...No. If Philip Roth was allowed to write the same fucking story over and over, about boring, ruthless men on navel-gazing quests for sexual fulfillment — and win prizes for it — and be called one of the greatest writers of his generation — I think we as a culture can afford Beyoncé space to take what is personal to h

So because she has an album showing the journey of going through some very human and natural reactions to trust being broken in a marriage, it is drama? You think referring to a woman using her music as catharthis, and being honest about how she felt as “drama” isn’t ingrained misogyny? She put him on blast with many

“Becky” usually refers to a white girl.

Something like this has been building up for awhile. Perp doesn’t care that the cops will figure it out fairly quickly. Guy won’t likely be taken alive.

Not today Satan

I shall not believe this! Satan I rebuke thee in the name of Jon Snow.

Seriously. Everyone wants to be the underdog. Especially the people who are currently in the majority.

I haven’t seen one. So . . .

First, how do you know that she isn’t vocal about that? Second, that type of behavior -or, rather, attitude that gives rise to such behavior - is just the other side of the same coin that BIVYg was describing. It’s not okay in either instance. And, honestly, we have two fairly decent (each with their own strengths and