
As another member of the commuter transit & cube-farm population, I regret that I only have one star to give.

I ask anyone who reads this to continue and shower every day. Specially if you take public transportation or sit in a cubicle farm.

Frankly, I wasn’t sure if the principal really knew what she was talking about. She seemed to be confused between a social media policy (posting on Snapchat, YouTube, etc.) and a media policy that involved the unauthorized photography/filming of underaged students without parental consent. She also waved the old “the

That completely dazed look on her face as she stumbled away with him just killed me. I really hope she's ok.

At the very least she probably had the breath knocked out of her.

Yes, like the child she is.



Police are not good tools of discipline at a school. They often cause the situation to escalate instead of calm down. It takes a different skill set to handle discipline and maintaining order in schools. Middle school is rough and trying.

The cop thinks he's a tough guy because he's a cop, but in reality he lacks the skills to manage a 12 year old girl. Bravo Officer Toughguy! Bra-fucking-vo.

are investigating a possible case of excessive force

But without the unnecessary words, how will I reach my professor’s word count requirement?

Bend it Like Beckham

“Black Skin Privilege and the American Dream”

We can make up for not providing black GI’s with financial aid. Let’s pay for their grandchildren’s education and provide financial aid for them to buy a home. Part of reparations. And let’s provide everyone who is a decedent of slaves with reparations, including pay for all of the work done by their ancestors

These people don’t understand logic and reason, so there’s really no point.

“In America you can’t even talk about whiteness,” said Drew Domalick, who lives in Green Bay, Wisconsin. “If you try to embrace being white, you are portrayed as being a racist. If we had a White History Month, that would be viewed as a racist holiday.”

Yikes. Guess some people really have a problem with reality perception and logic.

“If you try to embrace being white, you are portrayed as being a racist. If we had a White History Month, that would be viewed as a racist holiday.”

I guess being able to talk back to cops and not be beaten/killed isn’t a privilege for white people.