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Funnily enough, that was my exact same reaction (see 1:55):

I agree; this is a very deliberate move to make sure everyone is clear that he is no longer involved with DSC. However, it might be more to do with the fact that as a creative, he does not want to be associated with something that is not fully his work - regardless of whether it turns out to be good or bad. But having

THIS is the one game above all others that I wished they would release on the Xbox. PLEASE Naughty Dog?!?

My condolences; life can be tough... but there is a lot of love out there, sometime it just gets obscured...

Precisely what I was thinking; they really are trying to fleece the fans with that pricing.

The issue I have is not with the use of the so-called ‘racial slur’, especially coming from a person with strong Mexican heritage, but the fact that Spock was never an immigrant in the Star Trek universe. Star Trek, and particularly The Federation, has always been about inclusion where race does not matter, so to say

It does feature in the episode ‘Parallels’ and Picard kept it on the desk of his ready room...

When I saw this video was over 7 minutes I got ready to skip through... ended up staying for the whole ride. That was brilliant!

Disappointed this series didn’t get much love when it finally aired - where was the iO9 review for example?

LOVE this scene; left a lasting impression on me - always think about its message, especially when it comes to people’s perception of what ‘God’ is...

Surely the DNC is broken if they had to issue an apology to Sanders for trying to rig the Democratic elections in favour of Clinton?

From what I can gather from over the pond they are very annoyed that what they thought was a fair contest turned out to be rigged in favour of Clinton by the DNC. The timing of the revelations makes it a raw issue, as this ‘people vs the establishment’ battle was precisely what Sanders was fighting for

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It’s something I thought about too here:

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I did some analysis of the ship design here:

I liked the look of that but the trailer really missed a narrator: ‘In a world...’

Now I have the urge to watch it again!

So who is this Archie guy and what’s he done to have two pretty ladies after him?!?!

Felt it started hitting its stride from episode 6 onwards

Just because the study has nothing to do with raising glucose levels does not preclude the notion that glucose has no effect in this situation. Unless you have data on the effects of raising CSF glucose levels on brain function I don’t think you can claim it is “exceedingly unlikely” to do something.