
I don’t think you can categorically state that “increasing glucose levels would not be useful”. For example, it may be that the brain has an impaired ability to metabolise glucose and increasing glucose levels might help this process, rather like how a pancreas increases insulin levels in a person with insulin

What I find interesting is the sweet receptors in the gut. The more research is done the more I get the feeling that we are seriously underestimating the impact of the gut microflora on our overall health, and the subsequent impact of our diet, particularly various chemicals.

In addition to what has been posted above; the reason the Ring could be returned to Mount Doom is because it was a covert operation. Two Hobbits carried it all the way and went under the radar. If you'd sent some big-ass eagles to fly straight through they would probably have been spotted as soon as they started the

I assumed it was an attempt at simplifying the terminology.

I don't understand why directors/producers do not cast Mark Hamill in their films. Surely just having him there would guarantee a huge amount of exposure, plus he would be cheap?

I am so looking forward to DS9 being released on Blu-ray - will be amazing to watch it again.

But do the Spanish sing their national anthem and pledge allegiance to the country every single morning in school?

'The Land of the Free'... unless of course you disagree with this form of nationalism...

Gorram brilliant film!

A great fun movie; deserved better.

Is this a white dwarf in the very centre?

If their goal was to create life then why was there a need to 'sterilise' the planet?

What do you mean they have no shields???

What do you mean they have no shields???

What do you mean they have no shields???

There seems like a simple work-a-round: do the journey in micro-bursts; have the warp field activate and deactivate continuously so there is no dangerous accumulation of particles. If possible, this could maybe be cycled very quickly (sub-second).

Same here; it's mildly freaking me out!

Light-skinned and light-haired; really?
