Exactly. If you’re a “good guy with a gun” and you’re white, you won’t get shot. Also, if you’re a “bad guy with a gun” and you’re white, you won’t get shot.
Exactly. If you’re a “good guy with a gun” and you’re white, you won’t get shot. Also, if you’re a “bad guy with a gun” and you’re white, you won’t get shot.
Regarding your surprise at them admitting they fucked up, allow me to explain my state’s horrible bullshit: in the eyes of the white voter and power base, this is not admitting they fucked up. It reads that way to decent and reasonable people, but this is actually a message to the “Lord Joe”s and “Dee Plored”s of the…
Performing step 1 actually made me want to exercise less. So no.
She exercised her rights... quit bitching.
The point is, she shouldn’t have to produce her papers to prove she’s allowed to travel within the USA. She wasn’t abusive to the officers. They were doing their job, but was insisting that their orders were immoral. She’s allowed that right.
What is the point of your comment even?
hmm. who clicked on the article? oh wait, did you magically appear here?
Jon’s views aren’t based on real statistics, but from Breitbart bullshit. He argued that the most well off black person is still more violent and more likely to commit crimes than the worst off whites. Please don’t let him half-assedly backpedal from such a blatantly racist (and factually incorrect) statement.
When you think about it, it makes sense that it doesn’t work well on androids.
I’m confused, please elaborate. Everything is rigged... to be fine?
I was going to mention how weird it is to play an anthem before an unaffiliated sports event (meaning not a country-driven event like the Olympics or the World Cup), but then I saw all the ranty, overly patriotic posts under this and now I want to curl up under the covers and have somebody reassure me that everything…
I guess the founders were a bunch of hippie douchebags then because this State-worship hardon we've had the last several decades would have disgusted them.
tl;dr: "The article made me think, which I find deplorable, and I've found that it contains a concept that should be explored and discussed further, but my elitist attitude and ignorance is preventing me from starting a meaningful conversation."
The founders would have found this rampant nationalism extremely disturbing and it's sad to see what's happened. There is a profound difference between patriotism and nationalism and these guys rabble-rousing about the national anthem are most certainly nationalists.
I think its dumb no one should be forced to stand for 90 seconds while someone sings an old annoying song. If you love america then you can appreciate it in your own time in your own way and if you hate it or are indifferent than being forced to stand and take off a hat is just going to make you like it less
You stopped at the best part of the story!