
Exactly. If you’re a “good guy with a gun” and you’re white, you won’t get shot. Also, if you’re a “bad guy with a gun” and you’re white, you won’t get shot.

Regarding your surprise at them admitting they fucked up, allow me to explain my state’s horrible bullshit: in the eyes of the white voter and power base, this is not admitting they fucked up. It reads that way to decent and reasonable people, but this is actually a message to the “Lord Joe”s and “Dee Plored”s of the

The simpler explanation is most often the truth.

Performing step 1 actually made me want to exercise less. So no.

This isn’t really an original thought, and it doesn’t necessarily belong as a reply to you. But you’re getting it since you seem to have your head on right.

I posted some screenshots of portions of the indictment elsewhere. People should read it. It is fucking insane.

Now playing

While we’re sending love A-Ha’s way, I’m still amazed Morten Harket is not only looking like time has barely touched him, but also still nailing the chorus at age 57(!)

She exercised her rights... quit bitching.

The point is, she shouldn’t have to produce her papers to prove she’s allowed to travel within the USA. She wasn’t abusive to the officers. They were doing their job, but was insisting that their orders were immoral. She’s allowed that right.

Right the with you. I love this movie to death.

Love the movie.

I cried* at the end of the Korean sequence.

Cloud Atlas was a movie that I started watching by myself, got halfway through, stopped and dragged my wife in to watch it with me from the start. I loved this movie.

Cloud Atlas is to past lives and reincarnation as The Matrix is to individual perception of the Quantum Holographic Universe.

I love Cloud Atlas. I love Cloud Atlas. I love Cloud Atlas. I love Cloud Atlas. I hate the book. But I love the movie Cloud Atlas. It is such a completely sincere, moral film. And I’m not someone who says these things often. I once told my Jewish family that Schindler’s List is cynical propaganda.

I absolutely love Cloud Atlas! I think it is pretty much the perfect movie that speaks to me on a very personal level. It’s a permanent fixture on my top five list.

Have you read it? The use of the same actors was a brilliant way to make up for how the book links the stories. It’s a really smart adaptation.

So much love for Cloud Atlas and it’s excellent soundtrack.

Agreed. Awesome movie. In fact, so good that it is the only one on your list that I really liked. Sure, several of them were watchable things, if you take them for what they are and don’t ask them to be, you know, intelligent films. But Cloud Atlas was genius. If you haven’t seen it three times, you only think you

Cloud Atlas is a masterpiece that stands with the best works from Powell and Pressburger (whose films it resembles in many respects), and I think it will eventually be recognized as such.