
So looking forward to sitting back in the captain's chair. Couldn't find the time to play which justified a subscription but I'm just itching to get some spare time and head out into space. It's a lovely game.

Iran and nuclear missile development? Only in the eyes of Americans (aka liars).

It's a great game; played it for a while but don't often have the time to spend playing games in general. New year's resolution is to add 2000 Gamerpoints to my account!

You can walk around inside your own ship? When did they implement that?

Don't let it descend into the mire that is Gizmodo.

Looks like Kotaku has gone to way of Gizmodo and the class acts have deserted the new tabloid-style Gawker sites. If this move gives us something like The Verge then we are in for a treat.

Not impressed at all. Apart from the crowbar nothing else really says HL to me.

Dave is hardly the guilty party here. He had a legitimate complaint and just because you deem his email 'pedantic' doesn't mean his grievances were not genuine. He was one guy arguing against a company and he leveraged any help he could think of to get what he was entitled to as a customer: a genuine non-patronising

No Star Wars trailers?! They are the most amazing ever made. I would love to see the films use the ideas from those animations - they are simply awesome.

Impressive stuff. Did you try a slower game?

I agree. I have a feeling Star Wars Kinect might actually feature a replica lightsaber so that you aren't holding 'air'.

Paan is technically just the leaf. It can be chewed with a number of different fillings but the most common is the areca nut (betel nut is the alternative name); there are also a large number of accompaniments, of which the lime is just one. When people ask for 'paan' they will usually expect the leaf and various

The reason the spit is red is because of the betel nut, not the paan (which is a green leaf).

VERY impressed. Why don't they just make the movie!

For a tech site weird that the 360-interactive technology only gets a nod.

Brilliant stuff! This reminded me of the PlayStation 'Michael' campaign.

I find that traditional Western food is rarely complex. Certainly British food does not seem to be.

So the Bible wasn't that far off after all.

So the driver starts up again and carries on driving at the same speed. Idiot.

"We miss you Bill"