
No wonder conspiracy theories exist.

I always thought that the land would have to be Everest; glad to see I was right. Would have been nice to have the scene with the sign though - bad decision.

That wasn't quite the case here; The Verve had an agreement they could use the sample. It was all a legal battle based on how much sample they used. If you listen to the song it isn't even the main violin that was sampled but the rolling tune in the background.

Every time I hear that amazing song I despair that The Verve receive no royalties for it. A travesty.

Right; so deploying a nuke from an orbiting satellite requires less technological know-how than an ICBM?

Just imagine what kind of terror a Death Ray Satellite from "them" would unleash! OH THE HORROR!

And what form of technology will this mythical attack use that would knock out electricity in the ENTIRE US?

LOL! The fact that you think Iran has technology to do anything remotely like what you suggest is hilarious.

Did you learn nothing from recent history in Iraq? Do you just sit there with your mouth wide open and just let them spoon-feed you propaganda and lies? Do you really think the US is about bringing 'freedom' to other countries rather than blatantly being about looking after their self-interests and maintaining their

I'm sure somewhere around the world there is a house that looks like a big mushroom and that is fine. You obviously wouldn't build one in Hiroshima or Nagasaki. Same with this; I doubt it was built to resemble the twin towers and its resemblance to them doesn't really mean much where it is being built.

I'm FOR Iran's national security.

So it's an RSS aggregator with a bit more oomph? OK. Windows Phone app please!

That redesign looks lovely and actually much more practical. Very much looking forward to the rollout.

Worse things than 9/11 have happened every single day since 9/11. In fact, a lot of it is probably very much at the hands of Americans, eg Afghanistan, Palestine, Iraq, etc.

Good for Iran. If the US wants to invade their airspace then they have every right to the drone; I hope they sell it for lots of money to China.

Not just on paper - real-world tests also show how good it is, which is why Giz's comments on it are surprising.

Why are concerts deemed beautiful? Apart from those scenes that really was beautiful.

I've realised that this is a deliberate policy change, hence why all the good writers have now left Giz. Giz is positioning itself as the tabloid fluff of tech blogs - there to offer a soundbite and attract viewers with exaggerated headlines.

As an ex-Eve player I really wanted to see this come to the X360; integration with Xbox Live would have been immense.