
That's incredible; where is the footage from?

I think their massive profit margins tell a different story (although admittedly they haven't worked out tablets yet).

This is what a LEGO game should have been like. Boy; did they miss a trick!

What law is being broken? Surely this is about a NEW law that will limit freedom on the internet.

"Backscatter machines are particularly risky because the radiation bursts are absorbed directly into the outer tissue of the body, not distributed evenly throughout."

I have to agree with that; I don't see why they didn't just up the specs on the 800. Shame.

As every day goes by I see America becoming more and more like a fascist regime where ordinary people are either completely disregarded or brainwashed with propaganda.

Ah, a post about a Muslim country - let the American bigotry begin!

Yeah, but then there is such a thing as 'standards'.

AIDS isn't a virus but I assume you mean HIV. It's unlikely to work for HIV as that is a completely different type of virus but those that are in the same 'family' as the flu virus, such as H1N1, look like they'll be similarly affected.

Bias in a Diaz article - are you kidding me?!

It's not a weakened virus.

'stationary'; really?!?!

So true.

Would love if someone knows an equivalent with Windows; Windows Movie Maker isn't that great.

What kind of software is used to create the video? Would love to achieve something like this in PowerPoint.

I know it's low budget but the CGI looked especially poor or maybe that was the intention?

I've read through your question a few times and still don't understand it. Anyway, to clarify my point: from what I can gather the study only used one person under hypnosis; therefore, the lack of blinking may just be an idiosyncrasy of that person rather than a general characteristic of all persons under hypnosis.

Can anyone please suggest what piece of software can be used to create videos with similar text commentary?

They concluded this based on ONE person being hypnotised?! That is a pretty lame test if so.