
Her grandmother may have been the last call on the phone so she could have hit the redial button (possibly more by accident than by design). She speaks pretty well for a 2-year old.

As I watched that, all I could think was 'MEEAAAOOOWWW!'

You were probably being throttled. VM cuts your internet speed if you are downloading heavily during peak hours.

What exactly is 'Burning Man'?

So she has nasty teeth - get over it.

I bet the update was delayed to rain in on Forza 4's parade.

Family pictures just for the family to view in a lovely format... gota be G+.

What a genius design. Until they bring out a bigger screen size and then what a genius move that will be.

Everyone is entitled to their opinions and whether or not this man is "misguided" is a matter of subjective debate. However, his argument certainly isn't flawed - as good as iOS is, it is a walled garden... with barbed wire and guard dogs patrolling its borders.

The ESRB rating label at the beginning said "Mild Sexual Themes" - did I miss something in that trailer?

To Master Chi... errr, Michael!

This was in England?! I refuse to believe that took one night considering it takes those lazy gits a week to fill a pothole!

It has a 12 MP camera and is arguably the best smartphone camera out there. Unfortunately, the rest of the handset was a bit pants.

Not at Giz; they couldn't be bothered to even review the Nokia N8 if you remember.

Just stop drinking so much!

How about spend a few million making a 5-km square bouncy castle and getting the rockets to land with parachutes on that target?

Bush couldn't have done a better propaganda job himself on this biased article. Jesus must be hoping for a consultancy spot on Fox News.

Those shameless Samsung people; look at that blatant copying of a USB cable - outrageous!

"...they need to test this on phase II and III trials, injecting vaccinated volunteers with the actual HIV virus on a larger scale."

Might as well have used genuine weaponry as it didn't really play on the cardboard weaponry much. Fantastic short though; well directed and surprisingly well acted too.