Secret of Evermore is a hidden gem that was a victim of bad release timing and poor/confusing marketing.
Secret of Evermore is a hidden gem that was a victim of bad release timing and poor/confusing marketing.
in case there is any doubt as to where I stand on this—and I may write about it at more length later—I think this whole thing is a TERRIBLE idea
As someone who also lived through this time period and still lovingly uses his C64 ... I disagree wholeheartedly with you.
So what you’re saying is they introduced a FFXI zone by mistake in FFXIV?
Ahh the days of grinding exp on the same mobs over and over because it was the only way to level up just finding a spot and chain pulling respawning mobs for 6+ hours a day to get maybe a level if you were good.
It did weed out not good players…
Of course, I did at some point beat FTL and it felt fucking amazing.
FYI its about 40 hours of gameplay to unlock each character.
It’s the only game that I have paid over 50$ in loot boxes. I don’t play it anymore, so I sorely regret my instant satisfaction purchases. The updates for the game took too long for me to keep up an interest.
I wonder if there are going to be “What about...” comments though. The kind meant to raise Blizzard above…
The ONLY valid argument I’ve heard for back roll is when you have a cat that likes to spin the TP roll.
Gripers griping at griping about griping is the worst. THAT’S YOU.
*too busy printing money
Oh jesus not this shit again. :(
Speaking of Doomfist, here’s an interesting video I saw earlier.
The odds are fine.
Or, alternately, “The 8 onliest games for the Nintendo Switch”
Hi, my name is Mark. This weekend I finished Zelda. I love leaf.
FF dungeon huh? So random monster encounters, boss fights and battle music? No?
Runiya hopes to take a “realistic approach” to fantasy stories, and to that end has you playing as a fallen angel who saves the people from the Rapture.
Technically it does not break, it just runs out of energy and you have to wait five minutes it unit its energy returns.