
I once tried to explain to a friend how I - and many, many other women - find the idea of two men together a turn-on. You would have thought I had grown a third head for the way she looked at me! I said, well, you accept that (straight) men are turned on by the thought of two women together, right? It's the same

I don't think that's really a fair comparison here.

Oh my gawd such cuteness I cannot even etc etc


I agree, I'm just wary of anything that even resembles letting people off the hook because something is somewhat common in society.

Ah, okay, I thought I had forgotten some key moment!

When was Nine referred to as Doctor Who?

Nah, I know what you're saying. But yeah, try as Moffat might to undo RTD's work, New!Who is a very different animal, so I think we can disregard plenty of elements of Classic!Who.


His name isn't 'Doctor Who', it's The Doctor.

And yet you (presumably) still chose to read the piece.

THANK YOU. That comment was the worst thing on this whole page - descriptions of prison included.

Absolutely fascinating.

That sounds to me a bit too much like 'oh, it's not really their fault'.

So she'd rather risk her own life than take the chance that he'll kill himself? Sad.

Some good ones I've gotten in the last week:

Senator Cory Booker (*weeps with NJ pride*) introduced a bill to revoke the how-the-fuck-is-this-a-thing tax-exempt status of the NFL and other pro sports leagues, with revenue going to domestic violence programs.

And I, in turn, look forward to watching the fruits of such a promotion. *eyebrow waggle*

I would pay significant amounts of money to attend this event.

Please stop giving Wendy Williams attention.