Midlife Miata Driver


I think “Night Of The Comet” basically began this way. 

The M1 Abrams. It’ll go through anything and has the means to remove slower drivers from your path. Forever.

Subaru makes a great car and I’d be shopping them were it not for one glaring deficiency: The transmission. I cannot stand CVTs. Optimally, they would offer a manual in everything but that’s not the case, so I’m out. 

Indy resident here. The spot where this happened isn’t exactly a place where people can go fast due to traffic and the fact that it’s a two lane road. This guy must have been actively trying to be a stereotype. 

This does reinforce that the safest place for *anyone* and in particular children is in the back seat due to survivable space. I let my kids ride shotgun if we’re running around town, but if I know we’re going to be on the interstate (or just travelling at highway speeds at all), to the back they go. 

Spend 30 seconds to just take the license plate off you lazy ass.

My absolutely favorite customization to hate is the whole “have the sky the night you were born in the headliner” lights thing. It’s just the most narcissistic, amazing, horrible... I just can’t.

Is it worth that? Yeah, probably, so I NPed it. HOWEVER, I would never buy it. 

I’m using this word forever. Thank you for expanding my vocabulary. 

Hoosier here. With the exception of the places in the path of lake effect snows (South Bend, Gary, Hammond, etc.), we never know if we’ll get snow in any given season, so buying snow tires is a gamble. The problem is (I suspect) people think “All Season” means their tires turn into snow tires in inclement weather. And

The Buick Encore. It just seems like it’s trying too hard. It’s an overgrown economy car with weird proportions. 

That thing is awesome. But not $17.5k awesome. 

My toy has been sitting on jack stands for two years. I just want to get it on the road, I don’t care how good it looks. I miss driving it. 

::adds to Volume 46 of “Reasons I Don’t Live Where There’s An HOA” encyclopedia set:: 

The failure is the name. Had he called it “Gigaloop”, it would be fully funded, functional, and currently improving our lives. Musk be praised. 

So far, I have a perfect record of not going on a cruise, so things like this haven’t befallen me. So far. 

The Altima jokes have been made, so I’ll point out the shocking lack of American Altimas (Dodge Charger) on the list. 

That might be a $6,000 car for someone who’s into malaise vintage. ND for everyone else. 

I guess Memphis Raines is back in town.