Midlife Miata Driver

You know you’re old when you see an article like this and you think “That’s kinda cool, but what kind of gas mileage does it get?” Clearly, I’m not the target demographic here. 

I’ve always felt like that was a loaded question.

The predecessor to “Danger to manifold!!!”

One of my favorite pieces of Days Of Thunder Trivia is that the most realistic part of the movie is that there are cars that are on a track. And it pretty much ends there. 

Came here to say this. I would rather be in one of these for any given wreck than, say, a 1985 K Car. 

I would be excited about that as an accidental adventure. 

I wonder how long it took before someone noticed.

Something something Elon Musk is garbage. 

We can always count on you to deliver commentary gold. :)  

People in SUVs and truck who think they can drive like normal (which isn’t always great to begin with) because they have 4WD/AWD.

They could save time and just revoke the license of anyone trying to register either an Altima or a Charger (American Altima). 

The faux baskets were my fave. 

I came of age in the early 90s and my “dream” car (that was practical for a 16 year-old) was a Beretta GT. With the 3.1L, it made all of 130-140 bhp, which at the time was something. But I remember seeing them get pretty slammed by CR for reliability, and I’ve noticed that you just don’t see them on the roads 30 years

Ran when parked. I know what I’ve got. No joyrides. 

For me, you win the internet today. 

A cruise ship looks small next to that grille. 

I swear there’s a panhandler playbook out there that they all use. “I ran out of gas on the interstate and need to get to the hospital to see my sister” is by far the most common line I hear. 

People who leave their car running, start the pump, then climb back into their car and close the door to stay warm while the pump clicks away. Yeah, it’s cold out, but you can stand outside for five minutes.

I’ve always thought these were ugly cars, but I can appreciate that’s it’s a fairly neat piece of history. NP

“Evaporative Emission Control”?!?? How is that even possible???