
I liked MIB/Billy storyline more than not just because of how impotent it/he ended up being. He was an obnoxious character as MIB, and I found him worse as Billy since I’m absolutely tired of the whole “dude finding himself” narrative (heh, meta). I like how they subverted it, I like how he was never really the real

The Culture series by Iain M Banks. Even at its most melancholy, who doesn’t love a posthuman anarchic utopia run by sassy godlike AIs?

This is supposed to convince those muppets that the landing wasn’t faked? They’ll just say that with today’s technology it’s even easier to fake a landing and create fake images that “proves” the landing happened.

If they could make a Ghost Rider series with the sensibilities of the 70s Incredible Hulk, that would be superb.

“He’s just gonna walk the Earth, like Kane on Kung Fu. With his head on fire.”

I just can’t place which one for some reason... at first thought it was “Something I can Never Have”, but didn’t seem right for some reason. Need to listen to it again.

I love it and I love it for the same reasons I loved the Daredevil and Jessica Jones intros: it fits, specifically with the music.

Wait, that wasn’t Hannibal? Man, my gifts of perception are WAY off!

I’ve never heard of Red Wheelbarrow or Williams before. I thought it was just random words his father learned in English, like “I have a pencil, where is the bathroom?”

A really fast fire leading to a rapid unscheduled disassembly.

Limitless was such a darn good show. I LOVED the characters and it was inventive, hilarious and fun.

That’s not Puppy backlash. That’s the verdict of people who read many, many SFF novels each year indicating that these particular novels were not worthy of being on the Hugo ballot (and they weren’t).
Seveneves was a muddled mess of unedited worldbuilding, with poor character development, and a wildly irrational plot

(Trying again)

Take a powerful telekinetic, though one who needs to be able to concentrate while using his powers (being shot at is too distracting, for instance). Add a junkyard with old battleship plate, a VW Bug body, some cameras and speakers, and a comfy chair, and some time to put it all together.

“Look, I know the page is called Morning Spoilers, and that there’s a fancy new Morning Spoilers banner, and there’s a video that plays first where Briken tells me “Hey, you, spoilers ahead,” and that when I scroll that far, I’m automatically sent a text that tells me if I keep going, there will be spoilers, but how

You don’t say...

I’m glad that we got to see the scene, but it works a lot better as a fun tag than actually as part of the movie. Although the setup for it (Rowan having all the cops and military people pose) does feel a bit odd without the rest of the scene.

That’s actually pretty easy to answer. Both then-Senator Obama and Governor Deval Patrick were themselves quoting other people, and Obama was citing the original people quoted. And then, when he was called out on lifting the speech from his friend, Obama admitted that he should have cited Patrick; Patrick came to his