

Sexual preference or not, owning and consuming child porn is not a victimless crime. It doesn’t matter if you don’t personally rape children. In order for the content to be created for consumption, children have to be raped. I see no justifiable reason to acknowledge, and dignify by acknowledging, the “sexual

Is it a sexual attraction, though? Or is it, like rape, just a dominance activity that’s then combined with some weird frisson of forbidden-ness?

YAY Socialized medicine!

C’mon, man. Did you really have to misery-one-upsmanship this article? Do you walk into funerals and ask “You think this is bad? My parents, siblings, and cats all died in a house fire.”

Well, that’s the real issue here. Of course our desires as parents would be to try everything, but *our* emotional wants and needs shouldn’t be the priority in a decision like this. If we were the one in the hospital bed, many of us would prefer to just go with dignity instead of prolonging it all with experimental

For people in the US who don’t know Manchester well. One bit of history that ties the countries together... Manchester was the heart of the Lancashire cotton spinning industry which was by far the largest importer of American cotton in the world. As such, the Confederacy hoped that the UK would intervene on their side

I was trying to put into words what bothered me so much about this whole story, and there it is.

It’s neither fair, nor appropriate, nor decent, nor logical given the overwhelming evidence that the Arquette family supported all of Alexis’ transitions. Your doubts are based on nothing other than your own self involvement, nice try though.

dude, the information is out there. alexis had a fluid and complicated gender identity and their doting family wouldn’t be blatantly insulting them by midgendering the obituary.

Guilty until proven innocent is definitely the best approach to take in life, especially when critiquing someone’s expression of grief on the same day as his sibling’s death. Assuming the worst in people leads to happiness. Keep on.

“It’s sadly common...” You are being patronizing and disrespectful right now. Alexis’s family did NOT “misgender” him. They were supportive of hist transitions, which were multiple, and his evolving pronoun preferences. Ironically, it is you who are erasing their support and love in order to make his narrative fit

Do you have a real point or are you just rambling?

Just the kids, parents just split up: the father did it to get back at his wife/partner.

It’s supposed to be a child flying on a book while wearing aviator googles and cheering for literacy. Instead it looks like she’s facing into a nuclear blast and screaming “My eyes! THE GOGGLES DO NOTHING!” while everything starts to melt.

The reason it rings as fake is because the manager takes too much time to set up the employee as a sympathetic figure.

Word. And perfect gif choice. I like to think I’m a relatively chilled out mum, but the thing that pisses me off is dads being described as ‘babysitting’. I’m unable to refrain from replying in an inappropriately loud voice “NO, ITS CALLED PARENTING.”

Those Google results are irrelevant. What is being criticized is the Daily Mail’s specific decision to use different terms, not the use of those terms in general.

The poster was clearly commenting on how the Daily Mail chose to report the story. The “evidence” that you’re citing in no way challenges the OP’s point.

customercare@limecrimemakeup.com is their email address but as my request for comment redirected there and I received this response, I wouldn't hold your breath on getting much from them: