
Except they haven’t used the term White Pride anywhere. I can’t even see that they’ve called them white skittles. They’ve just stated they have given up their rainbow for Pride. Only people looking for a reason to be offended have latched onto the White Pride thing...

I don’t really get why Attitude and Fabulous magazines are in this list? Attitude is a pretty big mag in the UK, I’m assuming you can buy it imported in the U.S.? Is it that obscure to gay men, the intended audience?

Ok. You sound like the kind of entitled, irrational idiot who would run after & attack a customer in a parking lot because they dared to complain about your inability to do your job properly, and assume you'd face no consequences because you work in daddy's restaurant, so I guess it makes sense you'd have that

It says she went in once, her partner went in first. If she’d thrown the ice cream at the server or provoked her, don’t you think the server would have mentioned it when she or arrested? Or the owner (her dad) would have handed over the video footage showing that, especially when it had been requested several times?

Apparently she’s the owner’s daughter, so I think they probably knew what she was like before this. I’m guessing being the owner’s daughter she probably thought she could act like this with no consequences either*.

Yeah I’ve noticed that too. I worked in food service for years, both in the kitchen and on the floor and I know what arseholes customers can be (thankfully I live in the UK where ‘the customer is always right’ isn’t seen as gospel as much and we don't rely on tips so there's more leeway to tell them to get fucked,

Where does it say she acted like a complete bitch? They fucked her order up twice so she went back in and asked for a replacement, they refused so she left and the worker followed her out and attacked her. Also, the father of the worker owns this franchise and refused to hand over the CCTV footage to police, which if

Ha, I thought it was a bit cheeky but was shocked to see Wigan mentioned (I’m not from Wigan, want to make that clear...).

Wait, whereabouts near Wigan?! Sorry to be nosey but wouldn't have expected anyone on here to have grown up in the same area as me.

I was always told bint is a portmanteau of bitch and cunt, dunno if that's true but seems to fit

From the article “We just don’t do neck tattoos on people who aren’t already completely covered in tattoos.” and “A neck tattoo on someone without a lot of tattoos is like lighting a birthday candle on an unbaked cake”. The ‘arbitrary’ policy of this shop seems to be that they won’t do neck tattoos on people who

This article, and the subsequent comments, are about air travel. Not solely US-based, domestic air travel, just air travel generally. Anyone can read this and comment on it. That’s how the internet works.

I never fly Ryanair to Italy, or anywhere else if I can avoid it (and also, you actually think the UK to Italy is 40 minutes? You seriously have never travelled, have you?), but it doesn’t actually specify anywhere here what length of flight we’re talking about. If you’re expecting people to drive, clearly you’re not

Why do you keep acting as if cars are a viable alternative to air travel? I realise you’ve probably never left your own state, never mind the country (I’m going to take a wild guess here and assume you’re American?) but some people do travel internationally, and using a car is not an option. Especially if you live on

Aren’t you bored making the same exact point over and over again? Yes, we get it, you hate children, and parents, and anyone who can even tolerate children. But you should probably have guessed by now that you don’t actually speak for everyone, and not everyone agrees that children should not be allowed on planes

Yeah, can't say I'm looking forward to it! :/

Haha, I don’t think I’m old now. I just meant if I am having kids in my late 30’s/early 40’s I will be classed as an ‘older mother’, at least medically. I think the term the hospitals use here (UK) is ‘geriatric mother’ if you’re over 35. So that’s nice.

I think it’s too tied in with her age for them to be separate issues though. Her chances of dying while the children are still young (still children even) is way higher than it would be for a younger mother. And her chances of developing dementia or Alzheimer’s, or just a bit of senility leading to confusion or

Yeah, and she must have known there would be a high risk of premature birth with them being quadruplets and should be aware of the health risks that go along with that yet still chose to continue with the pregnancy. Actively tried multiple times to get pregnant in fact, using IVF which is known to increase the chances

Good mother or not, she’ll be 80 when these kids are 15. As young as she thinks kids keep her, she will be elderly when they are adolescents, I don't think it's possible for her to be as good of a mother as someone younger could be. There’s a very high probability she’ll die when they’re still quite young. She's too