
Listen, when you’re a parent it is your job to be as embarrassing to your kid as humanly possible. That’s just science.

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Retroactive recognition of Bree Turner AKA Rosalie from Grimm in the “Wishing and Hoping” opening dance sequence!

I’ve always thought I could run a business in Hollywood with a camper full of clothes from Old Navy where I could make stars look like normal people so that no one notices them.

YES YES YES. I saw that movie on the big screen and when the figure walks past her behind her back the entire audience shrieked.

Nah son, the best haunted house book is The Dollhouse Murders. Scared the shit out of me when I was a kid and still creeps me out.

Best book EVER. The original movie is fantastic, the remake an abortion of talent, creativity and worth.

The movie is great! My mom thought it was a good idea for me to watch it as a kid, maybe 12 years old. I spend the rest of the night with the lights on, looking at the corner of my ceiling to see if the walls were breathing. Freaked me out good!

Oh! Please considering reading the book, and also her other novels, but especially We have always lived in the castle!

I haven’t read the book, but the movie’s great!

GUYS! The best haunted house book ever is The Haunting of Hill House by the redoubtable Shirley Jackson!

My 13 year old daughter does special fx! She’s attending a camp for it next week and I’m really excited. She’s self-taught so far so it’ll be interesting to see how/if she changes technique with instruction. Here’s her latest:

Besides, Rick Scott doesn’t have a heart.

You guys SOOOO need a new governor.

News that mayors from individual cities and towns can join in too. Just FYI. Progressive cities in Florida.....?

It truly is mind-boggling, huh?

Remember that roast HRC and trump attended where they each got up to take potshots at each other? I think my favorite thing HRC said was (and I paraphrase b/c I can’t remember her exact words), “Michael Bloomberg is here tonight... good to have a billionaire among us.”

I’ll call, but I’m pretty sure Rick Scott’s hands are too busy trying to get into all of our uteri to do anything about climate change.