
Its a sore spot for me. It’s only been in the last decade that my family is reconnecting with our clan. I met them when I was younger but there was a lot of turmoil on the rez at the time. My dad wanted to get us away from that so he emphasized our Mexican heritage. Then I was always being accused of lying or playing

I think you’re misunderstanding me. I’m Central American, so very familiar with countries with large Indigenous populations. In my country, there are a lot of people who face discrimination and such for looking Indigenous, but they speak Spanish and don’t consider themselves culturally Indigenous. Part of it is

that is true here, that’s not true in Mexico and at that time. There’s racism against indigenous people in Mexico and back then it was worse. Like indigenous women were and children were kicked off sidewalks and into the streets. People didn’t celebrate their ancestry and often denied it. Her reclaiming it wasn’t cultu

This is so much more well-put than I could’ve tried doing. Thank you

Salvador Dali.

Yeah, seems like the basis of this post is rooted in a projection of the author’s personal bias and not so much a convincing thesis that the subject would have a gripe about any of this.

Her father was born in Germany, her mother was mestizo and had one parent of Indigenous descent and another of Spanish descent. But Indigenous identity isn’t about genetics, and the fact remains that culturally, she was not Indigenous, her mother was Catholic, and she was raised in a very Europeanized, middle class

Usually, the reason we see some exhibits and not others is a lack of information or lack of artifacts. Frida Kahlo was born like 7 years after Wilde died. Just by basic time scale, artifacts belonging to Kahlo are more likely to remain preserved than those owned by Wilde. Someone who might be a more direct comparison

I can’t think of an exhibit for a male artist where I was confronted with the clothes he wore, or the products he shaved with, or a gallery ethos that inexplicably connected his self-representation with modern “brand building.”

I have a somewhat different take on Frida. I agree with the criticism of the commercialization of art and artists but at the same time it’s not just happening to Frida.

She was the master (mistress) of the selfie in an age before the digital camera.

but how cool would it be to see a broad survey exhibition on beauty and fashion of the greats of both genders? Picasso’s striped shirts, Dali’s moustache wax, Schnabel’s pajamas, Okeeffe’s jewellery....

You’re supposed to care about this because Kahlo consciously dressed in a way that was meant to make a statement. It was part of (and she intended it to be) her expression. I’m not sure whether this exhibit is addressing that?

Translated “If it wasn’t for the reading and hard work, I would be an attorney”

is a korean stuffed cucumber a cucumber stuffed by a korean or with a korean?

Let the stupidity continue. Out the whole lot of them.

Mr. Spade’s remark that Kate “sounded happy” the day before she died prompted me to want to share. I have major depressive disorder and anxiety. I see my therapist and my psychiatric nurse practitioner on the reg. I take five medications daily, and I’m sitting in front of my light therapy box right now. Most of the

Come on! This is such a needlessly snarky article. Fallon may be an anodyne fella, but he’s insanely talented and it’s disingenuous to pretend otherwise. Also, if you think that our world isn’t in need of a little lightheartedness and gentleness then I don’t know what to tell you. Please don’t be negative just to be

is lil tay short for elizabeth taylor the same way bobby flay is short for robert flavor and elon musk is elongated muskrat?

Idk why this made me laugh so hard..