
Anybody who says Captain America: the First Avenger was awful apparently never watched the 80's Punisher movie, Punisher: War Zone, both Fantastic Four movies, both Ghost rider movies, Green Lantern, Jonah Hex, Catwoman, Batman and Robin, Spiderman 3, X-Men the Last Stand,X-men origins: Wolverine, Superman IV, Oh my

Haven't seen Winter Soldier yet, but the first film was fantastic. Probably up there in my top 5 comic adaptations to film of all time. It had Joe Johnston's (Raiders of the Lost Ark, The Rocketeer, etc) signature, big, over the top, bombastic pulp action directing all over it!

I also loved how they paced it so that we

Wow. Man I'm sorry. You're making some good valid arguments for your side. You're not degrading the other side at all, and it just seems like people are arguing with you for the sake of arguing.

Thanks for turning this into a big, stupid debate that nobody will emerge from smarter. Good job.

"another Call of Duty, but with a steampunk/horrir aspect." lol i worry about the future of gaming with people like you around.

A "flop" series? Opinion does not become fact just because you say it does. Last I checked, Bioshock Infinite surpassed 4 million sold.

Hi, Mr. Ballmer.

"Xbox Bing Goatse"

Not as creepy as this...

Anyone else get the feeling Nintendo is just floundering about with no idea what they're doing at this point?

I normally can't stand posts like this on Kotaku, but goddamn was that spot on.

Six signs you should spike your article:

Gotta love the apologists - face it you spent extra $100 on 50% less power:

That's why we game on PC.

It's okay. You guys lost this round. Be humble.

I actually love this guy. The first day they put in those dumb ass giant tablets he spent the whole day talking about that they had dumb ass giant tablets. It was refreshingly self referential.

He's the most even-handed guy on that channel. That said, the giant iPads are the Fox version of the Will.I.Am holograms CNN had.

Obligatory, I suppose.

Say what you will about Fox News (and I'm sure you will), Shep Smith is awesome.