
I already know that hate I'm gonna catch here but fuck it.

To repeat my statement to another idiot missing context: This was announced at CES, not at a gaming convention. Sony is more than just Playstation. The only reason Playstation Now was even mentioned here was because it will work on their TVs and phones. Sony CES conferences usually devote like 30 seconds to their

This is not a Sony gaming product. This is a Sony entertainment product, thus announced at CES. Just so happens it supports PS4. Win for Sony on this one.

They would have gotten wrecked the same way Microsoft did, lol. Smart of them to prioritize for their core consumers and then broaden outwards from there like they're doing now. Seems to be paying off in sales already.

the ability to play games via a streaming services takes away from playing games? what.

PS3 Gamers:

im not bitching because the policies changed, i'm bitching because the initial policies were so fucked up, that I don't trust them to keep these new policies.

Sorry microsoft, this backtrack just shows how quickly you will change shit. You already opened that pandora's box of issues, Any trust i had, is gone. Whats to say a year from now you turn all this garbage back on?

Titanic: Adventure out of Time 2.0