
My thought was Jamie would strangle her while in labor (crime of passion ya' know?) because he doesn't want another child raised by a truly wicked woman. While he's off doing that something goes wrong during the birthing and either child is born in a stillbirth or dies immediately and he has no happiness either. That

I want this to come true more than I want Jamie to kill Cersei. What and indulgent theory.

So the thing is the nice lady was in charge of Fillmore-Graves when Wally's family died which would be the biggest kink in theory 1. She just seemed so nice I feel the likelihood of her ordering the murder of and ENTIRE family (including child) would be a bit much. She could have just had them kill the parents.

This just reminds me that someone stole all of Ravi's cure vials. Like, we didn't even investigate that! *sigh*

Major's "Lich please" was also hilarious, just the kind of pun he'd make

if we really want to know this in a archeology class of mine my professor said the minimum necessary to re-populate a small village would be 40 people. Small village is <1,000 and I believe that was within 10 generations. But also super shifty fact basing here ^^

I think that the chip that fried Raven is still in minor control by ALIE who comes in as a Becca hallucination. ALIE will lure Raven to space and have her get to the remnants of the ark. Once on the ark ALIE will use Raven's body as a vessel to get back to Earth and start taking over pt. 241241. She'll prob go

Raven is not dying, she's going to space and that computer is going to take her to the ark remnants. Once there it will use her body as a method to continue its mission to annihilate the human race and its "pain."

haha yeah I realized, I was just wondering if anyone else saw it - thanks for being the one!

Am I stupid or was everyone else thinking INFUSE YOUR BLOOD WITH THEIRS IT LITERALLY CAN RESIST ACUTE RADIATION!!!!!! Like was that not the fucking solution? We've seen that the 100-ers have stronger resistance than any Grounder so at least filtering out bad blood and replacing it with good blood would have damn well

did no one else catch the "AWAKEN! My Love" Album art in the back of the white man's very racially aware showroom?

I strongly pray they mentioned the Brotherhood Without Banners in hopes Gendry will return as their leader in battle. No? No one else? Okay….back to my damp, cold, dark corner of hope.

When the old man in the tree chair said "It's time for you to become me" is that a nod that he is Bran from the future?!?!??!

Did anyone else love the clever Anezktra the writer slipped in?

petra is our sansa, awwwww

She lost her "scholarship" to grad school. (Rogelio was paying for it before his financial struggles). I assume that even though he has a show again she just continued working there because this was easier for the plot.

This might be because I'm an emotional wreck, but goddamn if this wasn't an A+ episode if I've ever seen one. I went from laughing my ass off, to crying, to gasping for air tonight. WELL DONE, WELL FUCKING DONE

They said she'd be evil on Flash, so they'd have to spend ANOTHER 2 seasons rehabilitating the character once again.

SO uhm……WTF with that Totem thooooooo? Why would you REASSEMBLE a destroyed magical totem that draws power from sacrificing people?!?!??!

I don't usually care about shows being gruesome. For example, when Titus slit his throat I was like "oh damn" but watched every gory minute.