
I thought maybe they could work with Eobard Thawne having kidnapped Eddie last minute. No one has discussed what actually happened when they "defeated" Evil Wells. He could very well be playing a mind game with them/Iris could think Eddie went missing and that's why she's crying

I'm sorry was no one else bothered with how Liv unlocked Major's phone? That technology may exist but it is not currently available on any phone (besides one terrible Android app), but still. They know mostly Scifi/technology/comic fanatics watch this. Why not just stick some off brand phone with an actual fingerprint

literally just watch this On Demand too, crazyyy

Next season's hitting points (what are y'alls opinions?):

also agreed, but just with them not giving an explanation it was just a little bleh. Hopefully, it's so they have time to think of something at least halfway decent.

Things to note beyond everyone's comments: