
Give me a smash with Smash 3's story mode and Sm4sh’s roster/Amiibo support and I’ll be down.

“specially crafted for kids and those who are kids at heart.”

nope — morrowind is where it’s at.

So you’re saying the next generation of console is going to be more powerful than the previous generation of console?

Hmmm... I don’t know, that Cell costume still needs some work to be perfect.

I feel that the saturation of color distorts the artistic work of the game.

This is Silly Xcom.

Bullshit, my GTX 1070 doesn’t quite reach 6 teraflops, and has done 4k 60fps in every game I’ve thrown at it. You also forget, consoles don’t have to account for different configurations of hardware like PCs, so consoles can do more with less.

Woah, someone’s fanboyism is oozing from their butthurt.

Counterpoint: no

Deal. With. The. Fact. That. Not. Everyone. Wants. To.

This is a simple question since I dont PC game...how much would it cost to build a PC rig with the same if not most similar performance? I’d wager it would cost more than $499.


Because people still have that light-hearted sense of humor that you seem to lack, Scrooge.

nooooooo if there were blacksmiths that could fix red weapons, then we’d all constantly feel obliged to fast travel back to a town the minute anything turned red. Think about it, you’re in the middle of exploring a really cool new area and your beloved sword turns red... welp, better go get it fixed. We’d negate the

That’s my gut reaction seeing the lead gif, but after reading the story I’m less sympathetic. Did you watch the video of their previous match? Read Philpot’s tweet? It’s not like Bradley did this to some random opponent, Philpot had been taunting him for a while and there is basically a 100% chance Philpot had some

I think it’s time for your nap.

#WeeabooNation #SamuraiSquadron

I’m excited to play this years ufc but something was just revealed in this video that makes me nervous. The animations of Conan getting ground pounded looked awful! Maybe they had to edit it for tv because it was too brutal or something. “Fingers crossed”