I didn’t have it when it first released but it looks amazing on the one now . I see no issues
I didn’t have it when it first released but it looks amazing on the one now . I see no issues
Lmao I can’t stand gamers 🤣🤣
“Your bad post is far worse than the potential non-existent bad posts.”
Come on dude .. even though it was an easy game .. crisis core was awesome !! How could you not like that game?!?!
That’s actually a dope shoe if you ask me . Looks classic and original .
Lol it isn’t 100% a perfect game . But this is the best basketball game and will continue to be the best since like NBA live 04 😂😂
That’s crazy I had a dream last nite that I got the switch on release lmao . It was kinda weird tho it had two screen 😳😂
(fre)eshop 😉😉😈
I liked the final fantasy movie. Cloud was the sh** !!
for real tho!! i hope that isnt how the ground and pound really looks. was looking almost like ps2 lol