
Oof...too soon!

Bill Cosby is on the way.

Or they’re still pissed at losing to the Panthers and want to see the Cardinals beat them.

Fertilizer can.

“Take 2 HotPockets and call me in the morning...”

He always did prefer hot boxing to boxing out.

Who won the tournament?

(Dirk Nowitski enters thread) SHUT UP THE LOT OF YOU

Can you really boycott a place no one wants to go to?

“Keep pounding bitches”

His brother, Kal, was always the sturdy one.

If going down the stairs is so hard, why doesn’t he just install an El Evator?

No love for Malcolm and Eddie?

What an idiot. Who starts with the tenth film in a series?

This is Russell Wilson’s comment

If there’s one thing we know about these teams, it’s that they will fight.

Especially because 2 of them died from being eaten.

Sweetness (Type II)

Nah, fuck refs.

settle down