
Sephiroth was a sled!

So then just wear the fucking outfit. You don’t need to paint your face black to “pay tribute” to a character—people will get who you’re cosplaying as.

Context “is” important because there’s a reason why White people shouldn’t put on black face, just like there’s a reason why white people shouldnt’ say the n-word.

Context does matter, but you are picking and choosing what context matters to you. As it stands, white people wearing dark makeup to appear black is the continuation of a practice tied to the mocking of black people, and often enslaved Africans, in the US. That’s the context for this. More context for this, which a

Because of history, those things are not equivalent. Blackface was once used in a way that dehumanized the people it was portraying: it is a part of a racist legacy. Even if the person doing it now has zero intention of doing anything racist, the act itself has a long history of racism attached to it, and it’s not

This is the best of takes.

It’s stuff like this that prevents me from entering a competitive environment in any game.

I have, for many years, maintained the truism that fighting with honor creates only a moral obligation to lose. If you cannot sort a route around your opponent’s tactics, that’s on you.  So long as the play was within established

Is that the same Jen that Jason interviewed? [Checks link] yep, sure is! Now I’m mad all over again. The entire interview was her saying “we should talk about it” “that’s an excellent point to consider in discussion” “I do think a dialogue is healthy” etc etc. It’s a delaying tactic. Everything she was suggesting was

Will unions be work-to-win or pay-to-work? Could you pay union dues in microtransactions? What kinds of skins will the union be selling? 

That one is actually very easy. Gaming in general just attracts a lot of very miserable people. People who maybe were never really that popular in school, or who are anti social, or have trouble dealing with people, take up games at a much higher rate than something like sports for instance. “Normal” people, who live

I think there’s a greater respect for the social contract between sports fans because of the norms around “we’ll settle it on the field and it’s for fun.”

Poor thing. 

The correct take is: why do cops feel so threatened by being recorded that they feel the need to use an immense amount of excessive force to deal with a middle aged woman.

My wife and I have an abiding belief that every person on the planet should be made to work at least one year in the service industry, be that retail, food service, customer support, or what have you.

The idea behind this belief is that while having walked a mile in the company shirt won’t stop everyone from shitting

“I don’t want to do this because it makes me and my family uncomfortable,” is full-enough reason not to do something, full stop.

The fact is that most people don’t want to invite drama into their personal lives so lets stop assuming his marriage isn’t strong enough to survive the gossip. Why subject your significant other to the abuse or harassment? Also can you guarantee that the gossip would stay online? We all know that there are those who

i never play anything with a mic anymore because people are assholes, and its easier to not play with a mic than mute a bunch of people individually

I’m seeing a lot of hate for these here, but frankly, I’m really digging the Goku ones.  Frieza, not so much.  No way I’m going to pay for them though.

While a fantastic idea, niche phones usually flop. They need enough mainstream appeal because the niche itself really isn’t going to make it profitable enough, if at all.