
You must have some kind of hard-on for me, huh?

Um...is that not exactly how our conversation went? I asked what about Clinton is appealing and her answer was reproductive rights. But when I pressed further the answer was "reproductive rights because she's a woman." That was quite literally the conversation. You can be wrong all you want but when you go around

I asked what about Hilary is appealing; the answer was “reproductive rights.” I point out the similarities of Sanders’ and Clinton’s policies; the answer was “Hilary is a woman so she’s better able to handle the issue.” That is exactly how the conversation went. I’m not playing any games. She said she was undecided

You specified that on the issue of women’s health, you side with Hilary SOLELY because she's a woman. I'm not putting words in your mouth. I'm literally repeating to you what you actually said. Stop with the victim complex for a minute and instead focus on how you may have some flawed thinking going on...

Choosing a presidential candidate solely because of their sex is, in fact, sexist. There isn't anything else to say beyond that. Your aggression and generally shitty attitude makes it clear you aren't looking for a discussion but to jam your own views and definitions down other people's throats. Choosing a

So we're in agreement: Hillary's only appeal to you is the fact that she's a woman. I thought you said you were carefully considering your options?

Ok I’m not going to bash you for having an opinion. However, I think it’s sexist to assume that one person will take an issue more seriously than another solely because of their sex. Put another way, if I were to say that Hillary is unfit to lead because as a woman she’ll take certain issues, like reproductive rights,

Wow your eyes almost fell out of your head too?

Life or death? Really? A Republican gets elected and your life will be in danger? Yeah, that response was exactly what you should get.

Honest, genuine question:

What about Hillary appeals to you?

Basically all I gathered from this article is that there are rabid Bernie supporters (as there are for Hillary, Trump, etc.) and these more verbose ones are policed by the rest of them. What's your point? I'm sorry but this is about as low effort as it gets and that's saying a lot around here.

Just a quick question for you Drew:

Will your book be riddled with ALL CAPS like every one of your posts or have you learned to develop a voice without such an obvious crutch?

Boston is a shithole and your people’s accent makes suicide seem appealing. Lots of championships though so I’m not sure how to feel about it.

Fair enough.

This does not surprise me one bit. Josh Innes is a fat, talentless troll. And poor Hollis Thomas is so riddled with head injuries and arterial clogs that by the time the blood actually does reach his brain, he’s having flashbacks to the 2002 season and has no ability to respond to the topic at hand.

Philly sports radio

Ruined it for you.

This guy gets it.

Cooper's contract was 100% Roseman. And the Kelly-is-a-racist narrative is tired and taken seriously by apparently only you.

This is literally the most that anybody has ever talked about Emmanuel Acho in his entire life.