
I approve.

Well there we are, then.

Okay, I don’t always follow fashion mags, but it seems rather remarkable to me that the September issue (which I am told is important?) is putting that much focus/page-count on POC. Maybe it’s just a spread, not necessarily the cover, but still.

I saw the Halloween candy out at my local Rite Aid the other day and it was shameful. I just want to get some condoms, dangit!

Depends on how one defines importance. But in terms of impact, in technology alone it surely outclasses any other show that can be mentioned. Cell phones, tablet computers, bluetooth, horizontal/vertical elevators (a.k.a. turbolifts), flash drives, and so on and so on.

Sir, I salute you. Chris Pine is a terrible Kirk and you have firmly articulated many if not most of the reasons that I so dislike his performance.

This. As an ally who spends a lot of time with people under rocks, the hardest point to get across seems to be that there is a “closet” for trans persons, similar to that of gay and lesbian persons. It’s a different “closet” and it is is more visible, because of socially gendered behaviors and appearances. But the

It’s questionable. There are some figures with name recognition, but they are mostly occupied with other offices. Mike Duggan, mayor of Detroit, has firmly ruled out running. And the legislature hasn’t produced many prominent leaders, given how term limits and being in the minority are working out.

I worked on the AG race last cycle, trying to preempt Schuette’s gubernatorial run. And let me tell you, do NOT underestimate how conservative Michigan is outside the cities. Schuette has courted the Tea Party, yes, but compared to figures like Dave Agema and Todd Courser, he looks moderate enough. And more

Michigan directly elects its AG. Schuette is a scion of a rich, corporate family who has spent nearly all his adult life “in public service” i.e. career politician. His next step is governor, we’ll see if that’s managed.

I fully expect similar delays in less-urban areas of Michigan. Our attorney general is also a politically-motivated dick.

I’ll see your “church” and raise you “A children’s play staged inside a church”. See 2008 Tennessee Valley Unitarian Church shooting.

Zoe Kravitz is amazing and I would follow her to the Green Land any day.

I must agree with illathid, AoS ruined what made WFB enjoyable for me and dumbed it down into oblivion. Some of us *like* complexity and strategy and the ever-changing meta!

And the former KMart headquarters is still a bloody eyesore on the corner of Big Beaver and Coolidge....

It was okay. There were moments. And Renee Auberjenois as the head of ceremonial stuff was hilarious. But that was, 1 episode out of 16?

He is also the dumb-dumb snowman in Frozen. Yes, that Frozen. Royalties for yeaaaaaars. Also grating and painfully unfunny.

Yeah I was counting in my head last night and I could name a dozen without breaking a sweat.

Dear Key and/or Peele (but mostly Key): May I please pitch a sketch regarding the crazy-huge number of private schools in Oakland County, MI? Please and thankyou.

They are, it’s the back-to-the-land types from the 70s. But now land’s just too damn expensive.