
THIS is how we teach The Struggle. The amendments, the papers, all the speeches Lincoln ever gave amounted to nought without a real, boots-on-the-ground OCCUPATION. As usual, the “small person” view of history gives a better perspective than the grand events.

I......oh no wait, just for Community.

I had somewhat given up earlier in the season. I used to be a 9pm-every-Sunday viewer, but then I let it lapse. But for the finale, I got caught up, I swallowed my bile and........nothing. Just more rubbish.

Okay, as a book-fan, this season has been plenty painful. PLENTY. But I just have to ask: Did the writers *really* have to make Meryn Trant a child molester? I know D&D are obsessed with erasing the moral grey areas that make the books great, but seriously. Trant killed Syrio and was complicit in Sansa’s abuse. Is

Seconded. I was glad for more Fallout, and the story was alright, but the Capitol Wasteland was just so very bland.

And especially because they kind-of guess, but get it so wrong. “Susan knows that I am a man of HONOR and STYLE. I would not name her Dooma!”

From New Avengers #23 (Hickman)

That’s nice.

Oh hey, I went to school with that girl. Didn’t know she’d actually gotten around to proper recordings.

Counter-counter-point: What’s she been in lately? Anything as a love interest? Or like too many actresses is her award winning performance not translating to more widespread exposure?

I got the best explanation for this in Boy Scouts. We were going on a cycling trip and one of the dads (a physician) showed a diagram of the brain and pointed out all the terribleness that can happen if the frontal lobe is damaged. Gruesome stories of dire consequence can be pretty motivating, even for teenagers.

We’re bringing it back!

Does this count as a Punisher property so Fox can maintain their license?

But isn’t that pointing towards a somewhat ideal compromise? Yes, they sensationalize and exploit, and that’s how you get the gems like people who have confronted Geraldo Rivera on camera and contradicted the FOX narrative. But, those grand media conglomerates also have the money to hire all the lawyers to stare down

So if not calorie counting, where should a prospective dieter looking to lose fat look to for instruction?

And let's not even think about when Bill Schuette runs for governor in 4 years and the Leave-It-to-Beaver wannabe's get their man in the statehouse. At least Snyder *pretends* to be conciliatory.

Hey, let's not forget Governor Snyder's other favorite verbal dodge: "We need to have more dialogue about that."

Hey, man, be Mitten and Proud!

Not to be a nitpicker, but your second paragraph makes it seem like the Senate is considering the bill passed previously, which is not the case. The RFRA was introduced and passed in the state House last December as part of the LAST session's lame duck period. After that session, all pending bills and such