I was watching this last night and legit had to pause the show because I was laughing so hard...I’m sorry, but hammered LuAnn is the only acceptable LuAnn. That’s the most entertaining the show has been in a while.
I was watching this last night and legit had to pause the show because I was laughing so hard...I’m sorry, but hammered LuAnn is the only acceptable LuAnn. That’s the most entertaining the show has been in a while.
They crossed over out of denial into something else a long time ago. What they are doing now is really wrong and awful. I’m very sorry for their loss, but they need to stop and do what is right for that child.
UK TV ad laws have generally been excellent for years..
You can’t spell acumen without cum.
I have respect for adult film actresses and prostitutes (for real) because they work hard to earn an honest living and don’t lie about it. They also don’t use their fame and influence to sell dangerous diet pills and other garbage ‘health, fitness, and beauty’ items to pre-teens and teenagers.
That’s rather tame for them. Kris shopped, marketed, and sold Kim’s sex tape. And when she finally sold it, she made them edit out the watersports.
If you can’t read a couple paragraphs, then it stands to reason that you couldn’t understand this issue even if we put it into baby words for you and held your hand to the conclusion. Cool.
Oh yes, those people are awful. But they’re not at all involved in this case and instead are creating spectator sport out of a family’s worst nightmare. And they can get run over with a truck.
No they are not. We have an independent judiciary. The government which is elected is not allowed to interfere with the judiciary. And we don’t elect judges or think its a good thing to allow politicians to appoint them.
Crash course on medical ethics.
The hospital, the court appointed independent advocate for Charlie, and the judges (not the government) all agree that it is in Charlie’s best interests to stay at GOSH and receive palliative care, rather than be flown to the USA and be treated as a human guinea pig (where he would probably die on route). I am from…
The baby will die if they unhook him. That’s the whole point: he’s being kept alive by machines.
Start with Faces of Death and then bring it down with some classic Deepthroat.
Not yet. There’s still the classic “Why can’t I marry my horse?” bugaboo.
Speaking as someone who was honestly rooting for any of the top 4, Shea dropped the ball in that finale. They had AGES to prepare a show-stopping number, the other girls came with tricks up their sleeves (and under their wigs!), and she turned out that low-effort performance when it mattered the most...I was…
If it gets people talking about the problem of the ultra-rich holding multiple residential properties where they don’t even live, driving up costs and housing prices in a city that’s increasingly unaffordable for the bulk of its residents, and draws attention to the absurdity and cruelty of austerity politics that…
You disgust me.
That’s Manhattan - it’s a small place, with a massive incident directly affecting most of the population.
But your comment about Mexicans rubbed me the wrong way. Latin American culture is complicated, and nobody who is NOT Mexican should be telling a Mexican what they can or can’t embrace in their history.