I can’t wait to hear Michael K’s take on this.
I can’t wait to hear Michael K’s take on this.
Shaun of the Dead, but mostly just here to say that sleek bob does wonders for her.
I don’t mind heated responses. People who get angry over the Internet don’t deserve my response.
Your opinion is just as legitimate as mine, so don’t worry about sounding combative. I think it’d be gauche—I think the term ‘offensive’ has been abused to the point of losing its meaning—for a gay man to go around identifying as “lipstick” or a “dyke” to everyone and acting surprised when people call him out on the…
I’m a little dazzled and very interested in the conversation going on, so it’s not a big burden. On the one hand, I’m over on io9 mocking the alt-Right for being upset about Star Trek: Discovery as a “social justice warrior” show because it dares to be inclusive.
And, of course, that makes it okay to stomp all over that section of the community, according to the unwritten laws of social justice. This, by the way, is the sort of uneven identity politics that alienates people on the Left and provides ample fodder for the criticisms of the batshits on the political Right: the…
Because semantics are important for communication. If I claim to be straight but I exclusively have sex with men and am only attracted to men, I have just rendered the term meaningless.
Yeah, one of the difficult things about caring about social justice is dealing with the people who go too far. So thank you.
Are you suggesting that an abusive straight cis white guy would appropriate LGBTQ culture in order to ride the recent (and refreshing) wave of acceptance of queer identities? Just to help propel his band to fame, and make cash hand over fist!? It’s all so difficult to believe.
Of *course* sexuality is a spectrum. Colors are also a spectrum, but we have names for them so we can communicate with others about them. If I arbitrarily decide that red is blue, then I’ve broken with those conventions and am no longer using generally-agreed-upon definitions. In that situation, I might be right, but…
I can’t really respond to your anecdotal evidence. I’ve never met a gay man who enthusiastically loves having sex with women. That seems to defeat the purpose of being gay.
It’s not a matter of can or can’t. As a gay man, I don’t want my penis within danger zone distance of a vagina, and I don’t know a gay man who does.
She only won two out of 105 departments. Macron flipped nearly every department that she won in the first round. The highest proportion of blank ballots came from her strongholds.
And in 2002 the we had a Republican President who was terrible, but on the eve of a terrorist attack asked the nation to not place the blame on Muslims in the US. It was a different era.
And did it matter in the end? No. Le Pen still got steamrolled, and the side of good won out.
Well I’m too lazy to photoshop an “I’m With Her” t-shirt onto him.