Micheál Keane

You'd be shocked at how old some of the interns in DC can be, especially at the start of a new administration. Lots of people long since out of college take intern positions while they angle themselves for a political appointment.

Don't forget Pink Kryptonite.

And then Cadmus ends up with the baby or at least the DNA stuff.

Lots of people end up in the morgue and get autopsied even if they weren't murdered. A lot of the time, the medical examiner is determining that they weren't actually killed by something. So the number of bodies in the morgue aren't really out of line.

He's Red Guardian, not MODOK.

The Legends crew doing the Dead Alewives D&D sketch would be pretty great.

I'm still of the belief that Archie was the intended victim all along and Jason was killed in a case of mistaken identity.

I assumed it was the Legion of Doom HQ

It's from Family Guy's Star Wars spoof.

He's basically Flash-Mite.

Cool origin story bro but for me, it was Tuesday.

What is Flash? A miserable little pile of secrets.

Batman Brave & the Bold is the closest we've gotten to an on-screen version of JLI.

This reads a lot better when you realize Sprouse is actually saying "aromantic" and Glamour thought he was saying "a romantic".

If he edited the report to make it "disappear", why couldn't he have edited the number of LMDs detected as well, knowing that Fitzsimmons would dig up the "original".

Prometheus is Tommy. Malcolm dropped him in the Lazarus pit but he went mad. Malcolm didn't want Thea to go into the pit because he already seen what it had done to Tommy. Talia's been grooming him ever since.

Sounds about right for a local news station. The cable news networks will take care of the round the clock coverage.

It's not just the "white guy playing a black guy" stuff, it's that he also looks like one of the Flesh avatars from Doctor Who. It's a bad decision done very badly.

I got the impression her powers had been increasing gradually. So she might not have had any substantially effective powers during the Zoom arc. Like she didn't have anything particularly noticeable at the time (this beer sure stayed cold a long time) but became obvious in retrospect once she realized what was

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