Micheál Keane

"kill off", because no one seriously believes Deadshot will continue to stay "dead" after the movie bombs.

She might have been under the impression that Max Rager was only cleaning up zombies that had gone feral, not executing zombies that were still functioning in society.

Paper mills make the city smell like rotten eggs. You can smell it even just driving through on I-5.

Could be 1021 10th Ave S (International District) or E (North Capitol Hill) but both have the same problem.

If he threw it into a car, the police would eventually find check the car and realize there's no body. I don't think he intended for them to actually find the phone - he just didn't do a great job of hiding it.

Depends on the continuity. Generally, she's Kal-El's older teenage cousin who (along with some number of others including her parents) survived because an entire chunk of city got launched intact from Krypton. (intentionally or not depends) She gets launched in suspended animation to track down her cousin but